Monday, April 11, 2011

CAPM Exam Preparation

I am (at least today) sitting in on a training course to take the CAPM Exam. You know, PMI's Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)certification. No, I don't really want to do nothing but be a PM all the time, but I need to really understand what the team needs and does to best support them. So, the study group meets each Monday during lunch. I spent maybe 5 hours over the weekend reviewing the first three chapters. Today, I'll sit in and see how the session goes. I missed the first two because I did not know they were doing it. Before I read each chapter, I took a 10-question test to see what I knew and did not know. I missed 1 on Chapter 1, 3 on Chapter 2, and 6 on Chapter 3. Guess I'd better get studying, right? Some of it is a terminology difference, but some is new concepts.

OK. I am rambling on. You could say I am running off at the mouth. Which leads to the daily Clarity of Vision. It could be because of the studying that I did not have any fresh ideas for today's CoV. I pulled this from my idea file.

No game playing this weekend. We did see the granddaughters, but just at lunch yesterday. We did not see the folks. We did see Ali. I did not see Kathie or Ali Saturday afternoon because they had a baby shower. I think Alison did well at the game where they melt chocolate bars in diapers and have the participants taste them to see what they are. Gross, huh?

You would think that, since it gets light earlier this time of year, Monday morning would not seem so early. Nope. At least not for me. The alarm went off way too early today. I wish the Bible said "Remember the Sabbath day and the days before and after it to keep them holy."

It only reached 58F on Saturday. That was really nice. I almost reached for a jacket. We should be back above 90F by Friday. No hurry for me.

Wait. What's that I hear? Oh, it's the sound of people coming in and starting to work. And I need to do some things and study some more before noon. Thanks for coming by on your Monday. I'll see you again soon.


Zachary said...

58 is shorts weather up here in Fallon!

Anonymous said...

greetings randy,
well have not seen this movie (doesnt sound like i would since its about something as gross as you described today) have finally seen the Liam Nieson movie called "unknown" and few weeks ago saw the newest harry potter. have been to the movies about 5 times so far this year..hadnt been in almost 4 months not because i didnt want to but (couldnt-due to pats health) sundays seem so different without him walking out the door with someone elses wife, or him guessing whats on the menu since they are so difficult to memorize (in a sense all of them) to lead him thru the massive crowd on sundays after worship is something i can barely get to the car without thinking about...well chorale practice tonight, maybe bruce will have made up his mind for the new candidate for the pianist? believe it or not i tried my best in the practice week after my sister met you; it will be back to spring weather on friday? a whopping 90*...well better close for now, (patch