Friday, April 30, 2010

How Long Can Russell Last?

Russell is still on Survivor. Amazing. I thought that once people knew what a sneak he was, they would remove him. Nope. Not yet. And David Caruso is still on CSI: Miami, so it shows that wonders never cease. I am no actor and yet I think even I could take off my sunglasses dramatically, stand sideways while I talk to everyone, and include dramatic pauses in every statement.

Yes, I am a Walker, but I do not use hand turn signals. Maybe I should. I have been known to cut in front of someone when hurrying to a meeting.
Game night tonight in Queen Creek. I did see a new game at lunch yesterday that looks interesting. Dominion. Remind me to investigate it. There is a cool game shop at Chandler Fashion Mall that has Bang! Maybe I will cruise over there Saturday and check out Dominion.

I have a HUGE presentation on Monday to the VP about our projects. I am generating the slides already, but dad gum it. This morning, I rethought my strategy and may have to redo 3-4 hours of work done yesterday to make it more usable. Maybe I'll have to be working on that on Saturday instead.

I think that I mentioned that our shower is leaking into the bedroom and kitchen. I should probably fix the valve first to see if that at least stops the problem. I bought the faucet insert a couple of weeks ago. Maybe I'll have to work on that on Saturday.

While I would rather keep thinking of things to write that I could say I should do on Saturday, but I must still finish and work on today's presentation so that I can work on Monday's presentation. Y'all have a good weekend.

1 comment:

Craig Weeks said...

Connie's brother and his wife are funny people, and quite competitive. When "Miami Vice" was on they used to have "tough talkin'" contests by quoting some of the dialog ("You're dirty, Ace ... and I'm patient."). That seems to be Mr. Caruso's *only* acting technique.

When I changed the valve in our shower (because it was leaking the bedroom carpet was wet) I had to buy a special tool to pull it out. You have been advised.