Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Little Help From My Friends

Today's CoV was suggested by a coworker, but I do think it is a clever acronym. What do you think?
LOST was a repeat last night. Whassup with that? Whassup with that? The next 4 episodes are all new, though, beginning May 4. Chuck may not get cancelled. Good. Human Target may not get cancelled. Good. No Chorale concert Sunday afternoon. Good. It is Wednesday and we are almost halfway through this week. Good.

I saw a couple of responses to my query yesterday about how warm you keep your homes. One of you is crazy! I'd wind up looking like a pile of goo at 80F. It is bearable outside where you cannot control the temp. Inside? Well, let's just say it is worth the cost of the electricity to cool our place a bit more. However, we switch to summer electric rates starting May 1. Since we use the Time Of Day plan, our rates are lower off-peak and higher on-peak. So, if we run the AC between 1pm and 8pm, it costs 30% more than normal rates. I will reset the thermostat on Saturday. Then, 8pm each night, we crank it down to the nighttime 71F. Yeah, baby.

After a certain amount of time, clutter gets to even me. Normally, you cannot see my desktop for papers and folders. Today, it is bugging me. So, I hope to get around to decluttering so I can start the cycle again. Are you a clean desk aficionado or one who uses piles or more like me? I think I can guess for Gweg.

K. Gots to go. Thanks for listening. Well be back tomorrow. Same Bat-time. Same Bat-channel.


Craig Weeks said...

I wish my phone had a camera. You might be surprised.

Keith said...

So, you've resorted to surveys to elicit responses from your otherwise silent readers.

Yeah, well, okay. This from the P.M.:
My clutter has been bugging me for the past few weeks. We moved our office from one trailer to an older (but remodeled) double-wide. My office is larger and has a new paint job and new carpet (not to mention that for the first time in five years, I don't have to go to a different building to find a restroom!). Anyway, the days the offices were transferred, I was out of town and volunteers moved everything. My bookshelves ended up totally disorganized (and even broken), so I have been attempting to re-organize ever since. But, alas, work never stops to give me time to complete the job, so...
I, too, hope to get around to decluttering so I can start the cycle again.

Zachary said...

Well, given the fact that I apparently missed yesterday's query, we keep our house between 68 and 70, but had to turn it up just a bit last week because I got a little cold! Good CoV today, I laughed again!