Friday, April 23, 2010

We Made It Through The Week

We have arrived at another Friday. For those that work through the weekend, they probably look forward to a different day. For those of us toiling Monday through Friday, today is a welcome sight. So, I do and it is.

Good Survivor last night. Two immunity idols played, neither by the person that possessed them. LOST this week? Meh. Riverworld on SyFy? I enjoyed the book, but this is a pilot for a series and so it played out a bit differently. It was OK. My old computer at home? Meh. It sure feels slow. Me? Well, I feel slow, too.

Speaking of slow, let's check out Clarity of Vision. We've had cars and gas engines for a couple of days. Let's slow things down a bit. What might happen if we all ran the same wireless mouse?
Anything up for your weekend? Kathie and I are still discussing ours. Who knows? Maybe we'll find something to do? Saturday brunch? A movie? Taco Bell? We might even do all of those. We are wild and crazy people (and are old enough to remember that SNL skit).

No one interrupted me during the creation of this post. In fact, it is eerily quiet here at the office. Did we actually have today off and no one told me? Nope. Someone just arrived in a nearby cubicle. Oh well, let's do a little work. See you next week.

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