Friday, April 02, 2010

Good Friday

Yes, I agree that most every Friday is good, but today is Good with a capital G. There is no way I can fathom even one-millionth of what Jesus went through on this day 2000 years ago. And He did it for me! I wouldn't do that for me.

I does feel a bit sacrilegious to present today's CoV in the same post as the previous paragraph. However, it is the one I already had queued up. I give you my send-up of Jack and Jill.

We are heading over to Kyle and Lyndsay's tonight. Sunday at the folks is scheduled to be a typical ham, potato salad kind of Easter meal. I don't know about Easter eggs or not. I think a Peeps cake is planned, too.

I need to go pick up my unrepaired iMac today. I may try to scoot by Fry's Electronics for a hard drive enclosure so I can capture everything inside the iMac. However, I may not do that today if I don't have time.

1 comment:

Zachary said...

Just now got around to reading today and yesterday's posts. I did wish to save you some money, but more importantly, I wanted to save a poor dying computer!