Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It's Not Monday

Man, it was a crazy day yesterday. I put in 10-1/2 hours yesterday, and still had some unfinished items when I went home. Then, we decided to have Boston Market for dinner, but they have tweaked their menu and taken away the better value items, so we left. Well, we ate first. No, we didn't, but I thought it would be a funnier sentence if I said we did. Ha ha. It was a funnier sentence, but it was a lie. It's all a lie. It's time I admitted the truth. OK, it's not really all a lie. In fact, suddenly I feel like that SNL character that keeps saying "Just kidding." No, I really don't, but I thought it would be funnier if I said I did. OK, it wasn't really funnier this time. Let's move on.

I have more Waldo-themed ideas and have included one today.
See how I tied Waldo in with the preference of programmers to keep the building lighting lower so they can see their screens. It is always so dark in my building, except when facilities comes in.

My boss has been out sick for a week now. I hope he is better and returns soon. I hope he stays away until none of the rest of us might catch whatever it is. Don't you hate it when people come back and they are still coughing or sneezing or whatever. Of course, we would never do that.

Hey, we had a discussion about the fact that some people are finally turning on their air conditioners for 2010. What?! We've been running ours for months. We keep it at 71F at night. How about y'all? What is comfortable at night for you?

Well, we'd best get to work. We also ought to do our best work. But don't let your work get the best of you. I thought that would funnier... OK, enough with the running joke. See ya.


Craig Weeks said...

I'm the guy that turns the overhead lights on. I do not get sitting in a dark room staring a bright monitor and having trouble reading anything lying on the desk.

80F at for us. We sleep under a ceiling fan running full bore. And it's fine.

Keith said...

During A/C months: 71F at night (I guess we now have something in common).
During Heater months: 63F at night.

Zachary said...

What's a heater? 80 with the fan on, do you use the fan to knock yourself out so you can get to sleep?