Thursday, April 15, 2010

Three in One

Remember that I told you there was a teammate who requested not to be copied on any CoVs that might reflect negatively on Obama? You are correct. She will not be seeing today's comic. And I have a couple more ideas that I am fleshing out that she will not want to see.
Well, we watched LOST and Glee and Criminal Minds last night. Yep. Three programs in one night. Criminal Minds had Forest Whitaker on with a team in preparation for a new spinoff in the fall. It looked interesting. Glee was fun, although we are certainly looking forward to next week's Madonna episode. LOST was really good. They are really scrambling our minds now in preparation for the series end.

I heard what each of you just thought. How could I know they were scrambling my mind knowing where I am starting from? Actually, that is a good question.

It is supposed to reach 90F today. While that is not really hot for this time of year, it does signal the approach of those disgustingly hot days. Now is when we start paying for our wonderful winter weather. Our nighttime lows are creeping into the low 60s, so I can feel it coming.

ZKW, I knew you would appreciate the recent comparison paragraph between Preacher Bro and me. Thanks for the comments.


Lindsay Ward said...

That's not funny...just true :) But luckily I still make too little to be affected by the tax increases!

Zachary said...

I got a kick out of the COV today! Thanks!