Thursday, April 29, 2010

No Survey Today, Even If You Want One

Fine. When even a preacher gives you guff, it is time to through in the prayer towel and hit the showers of blessing. Even so, 80F is too hot for me and 68F is too cold until you get under the sheets at night. And if there was even a pencil out of place on college roomie's desk back in the day, he would notice. I used to move his stuff around just to get a rise out of him. So if he says I might be surprised at his desk, he is correct. Is there nothing in this life you can count on anymore?

We did not watch LOST last night. Not because we did not have time. No, it was not a new episode this week. What is up? Well, the final episodes all happen with no further breaks, so here we go. ABC, this had better not all be a dream of Hurley or something. We better not see Jesse James wake up and realize LOST was just a novel he was reading while he only dreamed of cheating on Sandra. Ben Linus better not be the local preacher who was telling a story to his daughter each night at bedtime.

Speaking of things on TV, do any of you ever interpret statistics in an unexpected way or react to a single comment heard? No wait. Do not answer that. No surveys today, remember? Well, if you know me, then today's CoV comment should come as no surprise. I don't remember the actual number I heard on the radio, but this works for comedic effect.
I see by the hands on the old clock (you are correct. There is not actually a clock on the wall near me. Just the one on my desktop, but that doesn't sound as poetic.) that it is time to end our verbal sojourn for today. Fear not, little buddies, the skipper of this blog will be back tomorrow for our tour before the weather starts getting rough.


Keith said...

Well, sometimes I... Wait ...No survey today? ...Okay.

The cartoon was hilarious. It sounds just like you! I mean the witty remark, not the guy in the road.

Do I detect the early vibrations of a Gilligan's Island CoV theme?

Brenda said...

I am not a fan of hot weather and also thankful we will be out of p'cola before the awful humidity hits. The lens I ended up getting was the Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8. I love having a fixed aperture lens.

Zachary said...

I too loved the cartoon and questioned the Gilligan theme. Thanks for keeping up on the ol' blog!