Monday, April 12, 2010

It's Always a Blur

Weekends go by so fast that many of the events seem a blur by the time we go back to work. It reminds me of what Bella says when you ask "What did you learn in school today?" or "What did you learn in Sunday School?" Her answer is the same for both. "I only know when I'm there." So what did we do over the weekend. "I don't know. A bunch of stuff."

This might be my first single panel strip. Who knows, it might also be my last.
Right now, I have five meetings scheduled for today, and six for the rest of the week. Whew.

I did some filing this morning, so I estimate my desk is 1/9 clean. That only leaves about 89% more that I need to file or toss. We shall see.

You preachers. You still have to preach your full sermon, even if missionaries already spoke for twenty minutes earlier in the service? Sure, I know your were inspired by the Spirit, but couldn't you by maybe 15 minutes inspired instead of thirty or more? And while we are on our trip this summer with Preacher Bro, remind me to have us rotate blessing duty so that only 2 of the 9 blessings last longer than 10 minutes or so.

The time has come, the Walker said, to speak of many things. Of blogs and posts and CoVs, of network probes and pings. Of getting all my morning work done before the first phone rings. I am outta here for now.

1 comment:

Zachary said...

Were you feeling poetic or just feeling ill when you wrote that?