Tuesday, April 06, 2010

New Hires Galore

Here at the office, my boss has hired 8 new people since last Monday. And he has asked me to help get them ready for work. You know, the normal things like physical environment (bathrooms, break room, conference rooms), political environment (PSD is where they develop apps for students like classrooms and discussion, so it gets highest priority), and IT environment (Three main areas of IT, each runs its own projects). So, that has cost me maybe 8 hours out of the last 48. So then, yesterday, he sent a note asking where a deliverable he asked for on Thursday was. Well, I did not get answers from all the people I contacted, so I suppose I had better focus on that today. Hopefully, no one new will show up this morning.

I have a follow-up dentist appointment Thursday morning, so I want to publish the cartoon I thought of in the last visit before I go back. Here is a dude leading a meeting with other dudes who cannot understand him after he went to the dentist.
Did you watch that Duke-Butler basketball game last night? No, neither did we, but it did look exciting on the news this morning.

OK, I'd best get ready for the daily 8:30am so I can get back on the deliverable that the boss is chomping at the bit for. Don't worry. I'll be back in 24 or so. Although 24 won't be back, but that's a different post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes we did watch the game of basketball: butler & duke. of course, after duke won the game pat tho'd the remote on the floor and said "what! your kidding, your joking, how could they have lost!!" notice i said "tho'd"... this again is an example of "hick-lingo" that i hear everyday!!! i simply reached down and said....oh good, i can be in charge of the remote now!!i can watch my show after you being in charge of the remote for the past 2 weeks with watching these maniacs running around! now i can get back to having silence in the house once again. popcorn of course, or some type of snack soothes the irritated sports fanatic in my house...