Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Rainy Days and Mondays

It is true that the PHX area does not get that many rainy days. So, for me, it must be Mondays that get me down. They are crazy, busy, and follow a couple of days off. I am glad this week's Monday is behind me. For you, though, I imagine it is Fridays that get you down because you know I probably won't blog again until the next week. Sorry, my friends.

It has been a few days since the radio inspired a new cartoon. I am not sure where yesterday's and today's CoVs came from. Of course, today is simply an obvious extension to Steakholders, so let's take a look.

I have not written tomorrow's strip yet. I am an anxious as you to find out where I will go.

I have hit my limit on assignments at work. I have to tell the boss that I am maxed out on projects and support work. After all, I want to do great work, so I will set up a meeting to identify his priorities between my tasks and deliver the high-value stuff first.

When I wrote that last paragraph, it reminded me of a Monty Python sketch where two women are discussing how much one of their son's has grown up. We then find out that he is actually the head of a government department, but it sounded like he was a three-year-old. That is because when I wrote it, I thought, "Wow. I sound all grown up."

Tuesday nights now contain LOST, Glee, and Chorale practice. Craziness, I say. Madness. We will have to watch both TV shows tomorrow night.

OK, the lady in the cubicle beside just came in after a week in Hawaii. I need to listen to the trip. I'll be back tomorrow.

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