Friday, March 01, 2013

I Feel the Need

That's right. The need for speed. Our monthly team activity this time is going to an indoor go-kart track and race. We will catch lunch first, but I don't know where. I guess that means I cannot eat lunch outside in a bean bag. What am I talking about? Check out NZCPA for the scoop.

Am I upset the Pope is retiring before his time? No, it's been 600 years since one did that and I am pretty much over the shock now. However, that does not mean it is not a potential topic for CoV.

Daughter and I helped MBH with some test grading tonight, so I did not watch any TV nor did I have a chance to play with any photos. However, I decided to post one I found the other night. Another reminder of why fashions should not repeat themselves. This was taken out behind the folk's house.

We're keeping the GRANDS Friday night, so I won't keep you. I need to get home and hold me some kiddos. I don't know what we will do for dinner. We do like to hit Mickey D's so they can play on the playground, but maybe it's time for a change. Or maybe not.

It is already bedtime, so I will let you go early. I might decide to write more in the morning, so stay tuned.

[Friday update] Did you know that McDonald's has an official name for each of the four shapes of Chicken McNuggets? Did you even know there were specific shapes? I didn't. I had not even thought about it, to be honest.

[Friday update] Are those of you in other places being as bombarded with news of the Jodi Arias trial as we are? It seems to be the lead story on all local news programs, and is big on CNN, too. I have to admit, it is addicting. If you don't know of it, read a bit of the salacious details here.


Lindsay Ward said...

I knew the reference to your title as soon as I read it! Funny that Kathie's outfit would probably be considered fashionable today!

Craig Weeks said...

She is ridiculously cute. I fear that you, on the other hand, are merely ridiculous.