Thursday, February 28, 2013

Hey...Where's Today's Photos?

Survivor night. So, I need to document my pick for who will be voted off the island. I think the fans will lose tonight and they will get rid of Hope. There. I said it.
[Post-Survivor update] Don't read this if you recorded the show and have not watched it. I was right. And we went pizzaless tonight, but added fruit and veggies. And MBH did not accompany us tonight. She had schoolwork to finish. So she had the sad task of watching the show alone. Did she yell at the screen? Probably not.

I got started with interviews on a new project I was assigned. Well, new to me. I found old paperwork where this was originally planned for last Feb, so it has been sitting on the shelf for a year. Anyway, I met with the key stakeholder to scope out what would be included in the project, so I will work on some documentation tomorrow.

Did y'all see the last Spiderman movie? He stops an out-of-control train using his web. Did you watch that and wonder if that would really be possible? Apparently, some people wondered enough to study it using physics.

And while they wondered that, someone also wondered about how it would really appear if you looked outside of a spaceship traveling faster than the speed of light (we all have ideas of that from Star Trek and Star Wars).

Speaking of movies, let's check out a CoV comic.

Lewis, you obviously did not look at the photo closely the other day. It was readily apparent to me who the best looking dude was. No family photo today, though. Susie Q, I am watching The Following, too. According to the TV rating site I frequent, it is not doing great.

OK, I am going to sit down and watch the Joe Schmo Show on Spike TV. You will see this tomorrow, but I got to read it tonight. Ha ha (read that with the Simpsons laugh).

[Thursday update] I got caught in a huge traffic jam this morning. My commute that normally takes 20 minutes took 50. I guess I was lucky since I was out early. Right now, it is looking like a 20-mile backup and mine was only 2 miles.

1 comment:

denise tucker said...

the background in the CS i can read the words without enlarging-nope havent watched too many of the survivor soap operas; although i did catch a few last 10 minutes of one....the island or country they were in? who knows-i am lucky if i can survive at times in my own house, while i feel like i am in a "foreign" country sometimes with people/strangers whom i encounter. hmmm....maybe they are aleins which would explain why they act so indifferet? OR maybe i am now the alien in my home state- as the world turns we will find out about the bold and the beautiful; this is the best i could do brain-wise? tomorrows practice for chorale is right smack in the middle of my movie-watching day, so might have to go today? who knows...i have the grass outdoors calling me to come "cut the grass"-and no, i am not growing grass/weed outdoors. although 3/4 of my plants have lost their lives out in the jungle out their. well better mosie on downstairs and get some work done, along with a few errands. [ciao]