Thursday, March 21, 2013

Can You Read?

First, let's take a look at the ponchos we saw yesterday. Here the guys are at the town square in Santa Fe. I am guessing this is from 1970 or so.

Then, we can check out a conversation between a granddaughter and her father.

Have you ever wondered if you somehow managed to make a stereo travel at twice the speed of sound, would it sound backwards to someone who was just casually sitting somewhere as it flies by? Someone did, and here is what he found. He does real research into the question and includes findings on a sonic boom, a disintegrating stereo and how much backward music you would actually hear.

Check out these Russian dancers and the weird illusion their outfits cause. I like it.

I will be spending tomorrow afternoon with my team at a Spring Training game, sitting out in the nice warm sunshine. I will certainly be taking my cap and maybe an umbrella.

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