Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Hurrier I Go...

... the behinder I get. Wow, miss a day, miss a lot. I have not prepared the agenda for today's conference call yet, so my comments will be brief. Sure, I know I could generate the post anytime during the day, but some of you might check it in the morning, and it gets it done so I can focus on work. So, let's start talking.

Following my BBQ Something comic the other day, a coworker sent me his response, which is the main point of today's CoV. Clever, right?

I was out with a bad headache yesterday, so I was not at work and did not even feel like working during much of the day. I suppose it could be heat related, but I wasn't out in the heat much, so that seems unlikely. I'm back to normal now, though.

Missing yesterday meant I missed my allotted time for my practice test for CAPM. I am thinking I will schedule my real test for mid-September. So, I might take a practice in the morning if no one has the PC reserved. Otherwise, I will have to wait until next Wednesday.

The forecast for today is 116F. I guess we are now paying for our cooler-than-normal May, and of course, for our generally pleasant winters. One benefit of coming in early is I capture one of the limited number of covered parking spots. Today, though, I have to go to another building for a 9am meeting. Bye bye, covered parking. Boo. Maybe someone will have gone to lunch by the time I return around 11:30am.

OK, I need to get ready for the morning. See you soon.

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