Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Call Me Chester

I expect that the majority of my readers have no clue what the title means today. There was a long-running western on TV called Gunsmoke. Marshall Dillon was the lead character, but he had a deputy named Chester who had a bum leg and limped everywhere. That's what I am doing now. Limping a bit because of my right knee. Yes, I should get it checked out, and I will. Soon.

Lyndsay, I need your help on something. I'm a good grandfather, right? You love me as part of your own family, right? You like to make me happy, right? When y'all are considering names for my new grandchild, please find one that will fit into my blog name for your family, KLIK. Maybe something starting with a C or an N? Thanks.

Speaking of fitting letters into an acronym, my personal challenge today was extend the acronym list I started the other day on the PAC the CAR before moving from PARC to DRIVE comic strip.

Speaking of Lyndsay, congrats to Lindsay on moving to New Zealand for 18 months. Wow. That is a long way away. I guess that means you won't be meeting us in Ouray for a while?

I took a CAPM practice test yesterday. I went DOWN in my score, moving from a 80 on the last test to 76 this time. Predictably, Risk was again my worst category. Also, predictably, I did not study beforehand. Yeah, I've got to get more disciplined. Maybe I can actually read the Risk chapter today?

OK, yeah, I've been rambling. So, I will stop talking (or more accurately, writing) and let you go. Thanks for staying through until the bitter end. Since you did, here is a funny item I sent to my team yesterday. Well, we thought it was funny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, father in law. So far, the choices may be with an "m" or an "s". Maybe you could rearrange and do MILKK or KLIKS. The other choices start with "J", in which case, you might be out of luck.