Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday Facts

I am not looking for a job right now. True, I am involved in outsourcing one of our groups at work, but there are no indications that my area is targeted. However, I do still read articles about being prepared for change and interviewing techniques. Here is a good one about how to answer five common questions.

Look at the title of this article on Yahoo! this morning.

Actually, the second one looks interesting, but I was talking about the first one. "This Week in the Civil War"? Really? It's over, right? If we were to look at Yahoo! in May of 2015, wouldn't that article have EXACTLY THE SAME INFO IN IT?

When you go to movies, do you imbibe on snacks (purchased there, of course)? I don't. Even in my pre-vegan days, I wouldn't buy their snacks. Many (most?) of you probably do. How big do you think their profit margins are on all that stuff? This article gives you the skinny on those fat-making foods and drinks.

I know you know this, since I mention it everyday, but I have been pulled into project meetings already this morning. I just got back after 30 min away. So, let me share today's comic and get out of here.

I am sure you heard the news about a high school in Utah that used Photoshop to alter yearbook photos they deemed too risque. Keep that superintendent away from my Clarity of Vision comics, then...just in case.

OK, people. Let's get everything outside finished in the morning, since it should reach 106F in the afternoon here. Even if it is cooler where you are, it will still be cooler in the morning. Get up and get going.

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