Thursday, May 29, 2014

And Then, There Were Three

We had all three GRANDS last night. At least, that's what I heard. I didn't see them awake because...I was at the hospital with Salesman Son and his beloved (did you read that word with two syllables or three? I read it with three)wife. Anyway, he could not stay awake yesterday, and had severe abdominal pain, and vomiting. Sounds pretty bad, right? CAT scans did not show any of the possible worst-case scenarios, so PTL for that. They doped him up, gave him some prescriptions, and asked him to go to a gastroenterologist in two weeks. We will see what today holds.

If you could teleport, would you? Yahoo! suggests it is possible at the molecular level. OK, what if it cost a whole lot? Still yes? What if it involved a lot of pain (after all, your body is being torn apart)? Not sure, now?

If you could have a drink involving 60 shots of espresso, would you? Salesman Son might, but not for me, thank you very much.

Did you hear that a former US Poet Laureate died? Maya Angelou passed away at 86. My CoV does not comment about her being 86'd, nor about the fact that I have never actually read any of her material. Just that she has died.

Hmm, outta links and outta time. Sorry to tease you with a couple of tidbits, only to disappear without a grand finale. As you know already, though, with my current project, it always something.

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