Monday, May 19, 2014

Say What? No, I Mean It. Say, "What"?

Do you pronounce any of your words in ways different from those around you? You may have Dialect Disorder. OK, maybe that is not a real thing, but here is an interesting story about where people say words differently than others. For me, I pronounce aunt more like ain't than awe-nt. And I did grow up referring to soft drinks as cokes, as in "You want a Coke?" "Sure." "OK, what kind?" "Dr. Pepper."

Yesterday at church (speaking of dialects), we had a goodbye party for our Worship Leader. It involved much good-natured ribbing (but no actual ribs). They included a video of them saying a word and him defining it. Words like fire (he said 'far' since he is from Texas), and tired (How do you think he pronounced that? Yep. "tarred").

Does anyone in your family suffer from migraines? I have had bad headaches in the past, but I think none were migraines. A woman at work told me that sometimes, afterward, she loses some of her muscle memory. She told me a story about, after one of hers, she could not even remember how to get into her car. She pounded on the door, but it would not open. Then she saw the remote in her hand and remembered that it had something to do with the car. She pressed it and heard the unlock sound, but still could not figure how to open the door. still pounding and pushing of the door all around, she came across the handle and had to try to figure out how to pull it. She finally got it all worked out.

That story led me to my own dark place where real-life turns into clarity...of vision, that is. Hey, if they don't want me to twist it, they shouldn't talk to me.

What's the difference between the 'use by' date and the 'best by' date on food packages? Is there one, or do some companies use 'use by' and others use 'best by'? Well, Consumerist gives us a little insight here. Do not look in my fridge, though. Pay no attention to that 1997 date. The items is sealed, so it's still good, right?

As I seem to mention in every post recently, I was just pulled away for a while to talk to someone on that team being outsourced. The new company is scheduling him for meetings on top of other meetings already in his calendar. It's madness, I say. Madness.

And it will be worse madness if I don't get my work done. So, I am outta here for Monday. Have a great one.

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