Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Getting a Head Start

I have written a little of today's blog on Monday night. It seems things are just too crazy at work right now for me to have time to formulate coherent thoughts. Some of you may question if I EVER form coherent thoughts. You are right to wonder.

I had the first of three conference calls for my first class last night. Right now, it seems a bit overwhelming, especially with all that is going on at work. I hope I can get into a rhythm.

Haven't you heard people say, "Don't talk to me until after my first cup of coffee?"

Folks, we got trouble. Right here in the USofA. Trouble with a capital B followed by a V and an O. That's right. Coke is eliminating the Brominated Vegetable Oil from its drinks. Where am I going to get my daily minimum allowance of it, then?

And we got trouble because we didn't think of an idea for a new invention like this dude. I cannot believe no one had built a smartphone-capable A/C before. What have we all been doing?

Let's keep learning about our iPhones together.

I did not lead off my post today with it, but yes, I did start the day with more work on the infamous crazyville project. I had not even booted up when one of the team members came by worried that the company taking over his job was not learning it quick enough to be successful. First, let me say that is very noble of him to worry about the company that is letting him go. Second, there is a lot going on that he is not copied on, so they may be more prepared than he thinks (but probably not for his area of expertise). Anyway, it cost me 45 minutes, right off the top. And there were five emails needing information about things going on.

And with that, Tuesday is waiting by the coffee machine. I had better go see her. have a good one.

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