Friday, February 01, 2013

Last Unemployed Friday

Well, I certainly hope and pray that is true. The last I heard, I am scheduled to start this coming Monday, but I sent a note last night to validate that. Either way, though, I am certain I will start before next Friday.

So, we laid the floor of the shower yesterday. Once the adhesive cures, we need to grout it. Grout has to cure for 21 days before it can get very wet, so it will be almost March before we can use the shower.

That was yesterday. What will I do today on my last day to lay around and watch TV or climb a mountain or whatever I decide? I get to spend some 1:1 time with my favorite grandson. Jack is spending the afternoon until Phyll gets off work. Yup, just me and him. That will be nice. I am excited. He is reaching such a fun age.

So, before he arrives, I need to create today's Clarity of Vision and publish today's blog post. I also need to finish the John Piper Bible study for the week. It's about appropriate anger. It makes me mad when they say I can only get angry about certain things. Well, here is the CoV.

Hey, I thought this was cool. I couldn't visualize this like the artist can. Could you?

It's time to do a bit of straightening before JV arrives. Have a great weekend and thanks for your prayers about my employment. I know God has answered them according to His will.


Lewis said...

Hey, congrats on the new job. You should probably spend all day today buying deodorant and maybe a couple of gallons of Old Spice since you can't take a shower for your first three weeks on the job.

Craig Weeks said...

Yea! And, yes, that artist has produced some cool stuff right there!

Keith said...

Hooray! Congratulations! We are all praising the Lord with you! Love you, bro!

SuzieQ said...

Great news about your job!! Did you seal your grout? You should and then it should be good in about 3 days....but let me ask Jim on that ;).