Thursday, January 31, 2013

Internet is Back, But Not Cable TV

Cox is in the midst of upgrading their network top provide faster service to all areas, including TV, internet and phone. For me this morning, though, all it meant was that everything was down. TV is not back yet, internet is back but not really responsive, and phone service is back. Wow, the house is really quiet and boring when you can't do anything.

Luckily, I had created today's CoV last night, so I did not have to take the time to write one. Today's is a commentary on paperwork, which I am already working on for my new job.

Once I put up this post, I need to hop in the shower and give Dad a call so we can tile the shower floor. Wait. What about the grout color mismatch? Yeah, let's take a look. Here is how the shower appears right now.

Did you notice that the grout colors are not the same? Here is the original color.

This is what the swatch on the front of the grout container showed.

See? Maybe it doesn't exactly match the old, but it doesn't match the new, either. Since we ran out and need to buy more, we are going to match the old color for the remaining grout work and I'll worry about the red later. It's inside the shower, so who will notice except family and busybodies?

This is enough posting for today. I need to get cleaned up so Dad and Mom can swing by. All we will do today is lay the tile on the floor. Next will be grouting the floor and the outside front edge of the curb. Then we can put up the shower door and it will be finished.

Stop reading or I will keep writing. Don't make me pull this blog over.

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