Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sore and Showers, Zombies and Tea

Did I mention that I was joining the Games Gang for lunch last Friday. We played Last Night on Earth: Timber Ridge. I had to leave at 1pm after 1.5 hours, but they kept playing. The game ended at 2 hours and the zombies won. It was a fun game, though. You can read a bit more about it here.

I am finally recovered from the stress of recording the CD on Friday night and Saturday. I didn't really think about the stress at the time, but I felt it by Sunday. It went much better than I had expected, and it sounds as if the CD will be a good one...maybe better than the first.

However, this experience helped me understand a verse from the Bible. Remember when Jesus was born? No, not literally. You are all too young. Luke 2:9 says that the shepherds were abiding in the field, and when the angels appeared, "they were sore afraid." So, I bet it was because of the stress of seeing an angel that they became sore.

Sunday was the annual Valentine's Get Together at JV+KLIK's house. We had some spicy, but not too much chicken and beef and some sick desserts. Sick means really good, right? If not, ignore that last sentence. She made a sopapilla cheesecake and an eclair casserole and homemade tortilla chips with cinnamon sugar and a fruit salsa.

On Monday, Dad and I finally grouted the floor of the shower, so we should be able to let it cure and start using it around the first part of March. Why? Well, I got the day off from work for President's Day. I knew presidents were good for something.

So, did I maybe take MBH out for a coffee or tea at Starbuck's? No, but I wrote this CoV (involving a Spoonerism, in case you wondered).

Did y'all see the SNL with Jennifer Lawrence a few weeks ago? They did a cute spoof of Top Chef called Top Dog Chef.

I was telling the family that I finished a Kindle book this week because I read some during lunch. I did not finish any books during the whole time I was unemployed, and I think it was because I felt guilty taking time for pleasure when I should have been looking for a job. I guess this means I am back to normal.

OK, this is the end of my update on Monday night. We just watched this first episode of Amazing Race in Bora Bora. As usual, we don't care who gets out on the first episode.

[Tuesday update] Did you notice I did not publish yesterday? We had the day off, which is why I could work with Dad on the shower. I am back today, though. If you have to work, four day workweeks are better than five days...IMHO. Just saying.


Lindsay Ward said...

Oh, I didn't realize amazing race had started. I'll have to set my DVR! I knew I read this blog for a reason.

denise tucker said...

hmmmm...i have noticed something about your calmic-strp: the guys seem to just throw on anytype of pants and shirt and the shoes just maybe jump around their feet-BUT the ladies should have matching shoes with their outfit? after all they are the "newer" generation/or am i in a time warp and they are from the "60's"....or maybe it was the 90's of "dude, wheres my car" or the 50's but they cant find their leather jackets to be the James Dean in the "leatheretts" group. just thinking, but my brain is only the size of a peanut or so since it lives in the gallery most of the time; or so it seems-[ciao]