Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Two Days in a Row!

I still have a job after two days. That's good news, right? I have a meeting about my first project in the morning. So, again today, I studied for the project management certification test a group of us will take later in the year.

Today's CoV came from a lunchtime discussion we had yesterday.

Did you watch the Super Bowl? If so, was it for the game or the commercials? I started it more for commercials, but it ended up being a good game. Anyway, Conan O'Brien showed what the Clydesdale commercial was really about.

I sent out the CoV for the first time today to the work email list. While I was unemployed, I did not have the email list and so did not send the comics to them. I got a lot of "Welcome back" emails from people who would not have known I was gone or back if it were not for Clarity of Vision.

What else? I need to a) get back to work on the shower, b) get back to the gym, and c) get back to work on the Sunday School lesson I have to teach on Sunday. So, I will end this post now. No, it doesn't imply I will actually do any of those tonight since I have Chorale practice, but it sounds like it, right?

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