Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tonight is the Last Practice Before CD Recording

Well, we will just have to live with our current notes and volumes for the CD on Friday and Saturday. If he tries to change anything tonight, we would just get confused and do even worse. I'm sure it will be fine. After all, we sold over 1500 of the original CD. And I am sure it will sound pretty good.

I have meet several times with individuals, but have not led a meeting with a lot of attendees. Still, just in case, I will not use a SWOT Diagram. That stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. It includes these elements.

However, in my world, I should probably be careful what words I use.

I haven't worked on the shower floor in several days. I need to get on that, though, so it can cure (or whatever the word is) for a few days and we can get the shower door hung.

The Games Gang at work played Small World on Monday, but I had some meeting prep to do, so I missed out. I heard that Ryan won. One of the group is leaving the company, though, so he will need to replaced so that we have a foursome when needed.

Well, I have one meeting today and three tomorrow. Things are starting to get moving now. That's good. Anyway, have a great day, whatever you are doing.

1 comment:

denise tucker said...

hmmmm...havent heard the phrase "swot"- of course a few thoughts came to mind of words to say in this "speaking of tongues" category? S-omething--W-ithout O-bvious--T-emperance-----ok one other idea: S-aints--W-ill--O-bey--T-his. bathroom is in "curing" stage eh? sounds/looks like something in a hotel, great job from what i can remember-[ciao]