Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The 'No's Have It

No, I do not have a job yet. In fact, I included that fact in today's CoV.

No, I am sure that I have not shared this link before of the Piano Guys playing a One Direction song, but even if I did, I think is a cool video.

No, I know that I did not share this link yet. How about a mashup of AC/DC and the Ghostbusters theme?

No, we have not finished the shower curb yet. Both sides are done, but we still need to tile the top of it. The floor is the next item.

No, I did not go exercise this morning. I wanted to submit my claim for unemployment from last week, send a couple of followup emails on job submissions, and apply for at least one job. I also had to create today's Clarity of Vision.

Yes, I have had enough paragraphs starting with the word 'No,' too. In today's Bible study, I am studying Demand #17 Humble Yourselves in Childlikeness, Servanthood and Brokenhearted Boldness. In this chapter, John Piper writes, "Children may have all kinds of faults, but in a normal, healthy family, they trust their daddy to take care of them. They do not lie awake wondering where the next meal is coming from. They do not fret in the stroller that the sky is turning gray. “The child is, by its very position, lowly . . . and lives by instinctive confidence.” They are both lowly and non-great by the standards of worldly acclaim. And they are happy, anxiety-free, and confident that everything they need will be provided." I can only pray that I can have that kind of trust that God will take care of us, even while I am out of a job.

Yes, we have reached the end of today's time together. Yes, I plan to be back tomorrow. I hope you will, too.

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