Friday, January 18, 2013

End of the Week, But Not of Unemployment

Well, no job yet. As I have said before, I will keep searching, and praying. However, today's Bible study is Demand #15 Humble Yourself By Making War on Pride makes me want to be sure I am sharing this not for praise from any of you.

"Pride is difficult to define because its manifestations are subtle and often do not look like arrogance. We can see this if we compare boasting and self-pity as two forms of pride.

Boasting is the response of pride to success. Self-pity is the response of pride to suffering. Boasting says, “I deserve admiration because I have achieved so much.” Self-pity says, “I deserve admiration because I have sacrificed so much.” Boasting is the voice of pride in the heart of the strong. Self-pity is the voice of pride in the heart of the weak. Boasting sounds self-sufficient. Self-pity sounds self-sacrificing. The reason self-pity does not look like pride is that it appears to be needy. But the need arises from a wounded ego, and the desire is not really for others to see them as helpless but as heroes. The need that self-pity feels does not come from a sense of unworthiness but from a sense of unrecognized worthiness. It is the response of unapplauded pride.

Let's lighten the mood. If you have ever been RIFfed, you know that you are usually offered the option of continuing medical coverage via COBRA. We did not do so because it is stinking expensive.

Hey, look at this ski lift in France that I found on Pinterest.

Did I mention that I had an interview yesterday? Well, it got postponed to this afternoon. Did I mention that I was going to a job fair yesterday? No, because I did not know about it when I wrote yesterday's post. It was for GoDaddy. Yes, I did apply for a job there on Tuesday, but I decided showing up in person might give me an advantage. So, they moved us (I think they expected around 700 people for a posted 150 jobs) through several speeches (in groups of 35). Finally, we reached the interview room and I got sent to the next room for scheduling a more formal interview. Whoo hoo. They said they will likely schedule an interview next week. Most of the people were there to join the GoDaddy call center. I would estimate the line for technical jobs was 1/20th as long as the call center line. People just need jobs.

Sorry I kept you so long. Go enjoy your Friday and I'll see you next week.


Craig Weeks said...

The *real* meaning of COBRA is just about as useful: Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act.

denise tucker said...

love the "ski-lift"----if you dont have much of a normal budget than you dont really need the cobra! a i found 20 years ago when it was just me and my girls...went for a year without if for myself until i worked in manufacturing than i thought my $150 dollars a week was a big deal, along with the other job working @ "designer lolipops" downtown mesa. you remember "mr. wonderful" as he often called himself? back to reality---God has something in store for you as you WAIT upon HIM...and not get AHEAD of HIM. still praying for this to come about in your life. [chow-