Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Another Year Begins

Sorry that I haven't posted all year. You know how it is. You get busy and something has to give. OK, let's get caught up on some stuff.

No job yet. I did apply for another project manager slot at ASU. I met with my job search consultant and reviewed by resume and talked about creating my own marketing plan. What is that, you ask? Well, I think somebody did ask, so I will tell you. it is because friends and coworkers and whoever is helping you find a position needs to know what you want and why you would be a good fit for it. That is a personal marketing plan.

In Sunday School last week, we listened to a video of John Piper speaking about Scripture memorization. I really liked it and thought you might enjoy it, too. He starts off quoting the following chapters and verses: Psalm 1, Psalm 16, Psalm 103, Romans 5:1-8, Romans 8, Matthew 6:25-34, and 1 Corinthians 13. The link shows the sermon points and reasons for us to learn Scripture.

Back in the 70's, Kenny Rogers and the First Edition released an album entitled The Ballad of Calico. It was written by Michael Murphy and inspired as he passed by the famous Calico Ghost Town just north of I15 near Barstow, CA. Here is a black and white photo of an alley in the town from our visit in 2005. Listen to this as you view it.

But that is not all of the photos I have. We snapped a shot of our rousing New Year's Eve celebration.

Well, let's get this year underway. I have only applied for one job all year, so I will try to improve those numbers tomorrow. I have not exercised all year, so I will try to fix that, too. And I have prayed without ceasing everyday this year, so I will try to keep that going. What about you? Any resolutions or plans for 2013?

1 comment:

Lewis said...

Hey, that looks exactly like my New Year's Eve party. Well, except your wife was not in the chair with me. I went to sleep watching the LSU bowl game. Turns out that was good since they gave away the game at the end and I got to miss that. Fireworks woke me up just in time to see midnight. Good luck with your continuing job search and hang in there.