Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Boy, Interrupted

I mentioned that I had an interview this afternoon, but it is temporarily postponed. The main interviewer is in the hospital. You are probably wondering why he couldn't do his part from there, but such is life. He is scheduled to be released this week, but then we'll need to find time on all their schedules. Oh well, at least he is going to be OK.

Actually, bitstrip has a lot of functionality for a free comic maker. It lets me create characters, move their arms and legs, add scenery, etc. So, today, I chose to place the people in a bathroom getting ready for work.

I need to get the house ready for an appraiser. We are trying to refinance the house to lower our payment a bit and overall pay less interest. Hopefully, he won't ding us for the shower rebuild currently in progress.

Today's youtube showcase is a pair of quick change artists. Just when you think you've got it figured out, they do the next one. And check out the final change. Pretty kewl.

Hey, the Kiwi-based family posted again. Go check that out.

I just read that AMEX is in the midst of layoffs, so I have not applied there, at least for now. Instead, I applied at GoDaddy, the domain registrar and maker of the famous Super Bowl commercials.

Today's Bible study is totally unfair for today. It is Demand #14 Do Not Be Anxious About the Necessities of Daily Life. Just at a time when my most promising prospect cancels an interview and this happens to be today's lesson. Do you think God is bopping me upside the head or what?

OK, housework time. Take care, my friends.

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