Monday, January 28, 2013

Cautiously Optimistic

Yeah, I do have those two on-site interviews this week. The first is today at 10am and the other is Wednesday at 10am. I just have to pry that God will prepare me and the interviewers so that His will is done and I will find the job He has chosen for me. If it is not one of these, I am also still waiting on ASU and GoDaddy to respond. And if not them, then OK, let's get started again.

We kept the GRANDS this weekend and, wow, with luggage and diaper bag and car seats and getting them ready, it's a lot of work. Anyway, it inspired today's CoV.

Since I have that interview, I skipped exercise this morning. That is not my favorite activity, but it is important to stay healthy and I will need to find a time to do so once I return to the workaday world. Until then, though, I'll keep hitting it most every morning.

Here is what the state page says about filing for unemployment, "If you are unable to conduct a work search, a new question has been provided on your weekly certification which allows you to decline to file for the week if you do not meet the work search requirements. This option is available to you if you state that you “did not look for work” or if you did not look for work on at least four days of the week. If you did not report your work search efforts or it was inadequate and you wish to file for the week you will be disqualified for the remainder of your unemployment." That's right, if you do not do something four days a week and you still file a claim, you are disqualified for the rest of your unemployment. That is why I apply for jobs on four different days each week. So, I need to file my claim today.

I need to review my information before today's interview, so I will leave you after only four paragraphs. It saves us both time, right?

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