Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Post Inaug Blues

Where was I yesterday? It was a federal/bank/school holiday, so the family was home and I didn't do anything about CoV or job search or post creating. No, I did not watch the inauguration coverage. I had tile laying to do. Things are back to normal today, so let's get to today's news.

I've got a doctor's appointment today. This is the first one since I changed insurance, so I hope they take my new policy. Don't you hate getting that taken care of again?

Before that, though, I expect Dad and I will work a bit more on laying tile in the master bath. Today is the curb, so it involves a bunch of 2x2 tiles and some bullnose tiles on the top of the curb. Don't I sound like I know what I am talking about? This is how it looks right now (plus a hint as to where the curb is).

I did create a new CoV today whose title is "What's a Magazine?"

And I need to file my unemployment claim for last week. I did keep good records of what I applied for each day so I can enter the specifics in the claim record. Will I actually receive any money? Who knows?

I did not hit the gym to start the day. Maybe I should have, but I wanted to talk to y'all and do my unemployment claim, etc. OK, we can check off one of the to-do items now.

1 comment:

denise tucker said...

hmmm.....sounds like a commercial for "HGTv"? going for the "curb-appeal"-un-employment: received once thus far, when i was laid off from intesys technologies in 2003; a huge amount of- $180 a week, as i had to give the gov't their cut 1st of course. well better run, as i have a few eRrAnDs to do-{oh yes the important closure: "ciao"} as the bRaInIaC would say; "tootles"