Thursday, May 26, 2011

What's For Lunch?

No, I am not ready for lunch just yet. I just had to carry my lunch bag to the fridge to keep the homemade tamales cold until lunchtime. Kathie got them from one of her students as part of the traditional goodbye gift-giving. I hope they're good.

Have any of y'all ever heard of A lady at work passed out a flyer for a free introduction seminar yesterday. No, I did not attend, but I did look it up and it is something about "If I weren't my past, who would I be? What would be possible?" And it's not cheap. The first course costs $495. Some of the later courses cost over $2000.

Did you watch the American Idol finale last night? We didn't, but Kathie did see who won while surfing online. That kid is pretty good for only being 17 years old.

Speaking of TV programs, here's a program you guys get to see everyday. Now you are thinking, "Hmmm. Did he mean his cartoon is a program or was he referring to Jeopardy?" Well, I don't know what I meant, either. I was just adding a transition sentence between the blog and the comic strip.

OK, I snarkily responded to my cousin in yesterday's comments, but his initial comment was really funny. I'll give him props now. Good one, Lewis.

OK, I need to finish my prep for the Thursday morning 8:30am call, so I will have to ask you to leave. It's nothing against you. No, really, it's me.

1 comment:

Lewis said...

Thanks for the shout out. Really funny maybe really pushing it. Snarky is OK with me since I actually know you. I may, however, snark back on occasion.