Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Post So Nice I'll Post It Twice

I do not usually enter the same verbiage on the Clarity of Vision blog and this one. However, I do want to tell you about today's CoV and so, I am copying my post from the other blog. Here. Read today's CoV and its explanation.
This must be a first cartoon in a series of at least two, right? I don't know where the idea came from, and I am not sure where the series is going. So, for this comic strip, I simply built off of the concepts of a grouped whose name is actually C.O.O.L. and them choosing a member whose skills are availability to take minutes and little else. I will be as interested as you in where it goes.

OK, now, what's on tap for today? Two meetings, so that should give me time to finish my CAPM Study Group presentation. The informational slides are almost done, but the activity is not even started. I have to review it with our sponsor Thursday afternoon, so time is short. I have Chorale practice tonight, so no time to work on it. I think my boss will understand if I use work time on this, don't you?

I am down to choosing between two models of computer before I buy one. Both are Macs, but I am waiting because there will apparently be a big announcement this weekend. They have a "no vacations allowed" period from May 20-22. It is the 10th anniversary of Apple Stores, so maybe they'll have some kind of good sale? I might as well wait a few more days just to see, right?

Wow, it was nice and cool when I walked outside this morning. I need to enjoy this while I can, before our normal summer gets in high gear. Those mornings where it never gets below 90F or higher really wear me out.

Oh man, I need to get going before the 8:30am meeting. Thanks for visiting and, if you have read this far, for actually perusing this post. Check you later.

1 comment:

Lewis said...

Hey, can I join C.O.O.L.?
I will be the Treasurer!
Will I get a T-Shirt?