Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Is My Job in Jeopardy?

I wrote today's post title and decided it would make a good CoV. What do you think? I added it to my idea log. Speaking of idea log, I pulled today's comic strip topic from it. I was trying to think of a way to have a CoV about Palin possibly moving to AZ, but no clever ideas popped out. Which is not to say that this cartoon is a clever idea, either. I thought of it when a dude turned off the lights in my area while flipping switches looking for his area.

Speaking of Jeopardy, yesterday's CAPM Study Group went well. I covered the chapter information in 37:12 (when I go into Powerpoint Slide Show, it starts a timer, so that is how I know. We then started our Jeoparty review game, but did not have time to ask every question. Double Jeoparty also went well. One team ended up negative and the other had over $12,000. To make Final Jeoparty more fun, We set them both positive and asked the question. The original leaders still won. Did you notice I wrote Jeoparty? I added a disclaimer to the game that Sony had nothing to do with my game, nor was it affiliated with Jeopardy, so I called it Jeoparty. I am soooo clever.

Tonight is Isabella's graduation from Pre-K. So, I won't make it to East Valley Chorale practice. Can you believe she starts kindergarten next year?

I had read that Apple was not allowing their Apple Store employees to take vacation this past weekend. No one was sure why and speculation was rampant. Then, nothing. What was that all about? No sales. No store changes. Nothing that I can see. If I am going to get a new Mac, I guess the current models and prices are what I choose from.

Just two meetings today, but that's OK. I sort of spent too much work time getting my chapter slides and Jeoparty slides ready for yesterday. I've got to get my regular stuff done.

Speaking of work, continue to pray for Kyle's interviews. It sounds like he might have one offer on the table already, with another interview at another company on Friday (his third with this one).

OK, readers. Th-th-that's all folks. Se-se-see you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jeopardy, jeo-party? what is this a game about some rocks....amazing how fast your grand kids grow up? like you see them one day and then they are all of the sudden 1/2 way thru elementary? well have lots to do today as its my last day with my dad here in town; he is leaving here in the morning, will miss having someone here to be talking to or just have company of? talk to you later gator....(patch