Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Back to Abby Normal

No headache today. Whoo hoo. So, I am back to normal...or at least as normal as I get. And saying that reminds me of Abby Normal. Do y'all remember which movie that is from?

I missed Chorale practice last night. Too bad. I always enjoy that time each week. Just sittin' and singin' and worshipin' and fellowshippin'.

As I was telling my clarity-of-vision blog readers, I woke up wanting to remember a couple of things, but lost those ideas when this cartoon came to mind. I ought to study those remembering techniques of picturing things with a bun so they rhyme with one, with a shoe for two, etc. Maybe I would have remembered the other stuff then. Or maybe, I'd just remember buns and shoes and stuff.

Anyway, this comic strip popped into my head this morning and demanded to be written. So, here it is.

I have not yet delivered the management training on the new functionality yet. I think the material was mostly approved, so I'll check with my boss to see if I should start scheduling it. I feel I am ready for the documented material, but since I do not have the same privileges and cannot do the tasks myself, they might ask some unanswerable questions. We'll see, right? I said, right? OK, thank you.

One of my teammates brought in a new photo book about his motorcycle trips during 2010. It was well written and had some nice photos and interesting trail descriptions. Pretty cool. I may do this year's Ouray book more like that model. We'll see, right? I said, right? OK, thank you.

I am only 10 days or so from having to teach my chapter on Quality Management to the CAPM Study Group. I need to really focus on that to help both them and me to learn the material for the certification test. There are three primary concepts: Plan Quality, Perform Quality Assurance and Perform Quality Control. Yep. I just wrote that from memory and checked it against the book and I am right. Now, I just need to create an imaginative way to teach the details of each.

Tomorrow is #500.

OK, my friends. Our time has come to cease talking of many things. I mentioned shoes, but not ships nor sealing wax, nor cabbages nor kings. Do you know what that's from? OK, enough trivia and trivialities. See you tomorrow.

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