Thursday, December 31, 2009

It's The End of The Year As We Know It

Let me tell you, a year goes by so much more quickly when you are employed. I certainly prefer this over the alternative. Also, even though I can barely remember it because of my advanced age, the years really do seem to go by more quickly nowadays.

I took an unofficial poll yesterday of how my cube neighbors will be spending tonight, New Year's Eve. Two have a party, one will stay up, and four expect to be asleep before midnight. As for me and my house, we will be parrrr-taaaaay-ing with Kyle and crew on Beatles Rock Band and such. In the morning, we'll need to get up in time to prepare for lunch(?) at Dad's house. Whew! I am tired just typing all of that, much less living it.

Has anyone made any resolutions for the new year? I have one, but it doesn't come true if you tell it, right?

I have my annual review today. No, I am not really nervous, but then, I've never had one here at Apollo. Yes, I have been here 15 months and this is a bit overdue. No, my current manager was not my manager at all during my first 12 months. So, I took the liberty of documenting my unbelievable accomplishments that he may not have known about. Eh, why not? I know I would keep me.

OK, I'll be back next year with more strips and quips. Happy New Year!

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