Monday, January 04, 2010

Welcome, 2010

We are starting a new year and a new decade. Let's embrace it as a new start for each of us, personally, professionally, and spiritually. Sure, it is an artificial construct, but we can and should us it to renew ourselves. I am planning to not miss a day of spending time in His Word. Yes, it is a sad admission that I have not been so diligent in day's past, so why not start now? I want to give praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation.

One thing I do not need to spend any more time on is watching past seasons of LOST. That's right. I have seen all 5 seasons now, so the family can speak freely without fearing they are revealing any plot twists. Speaking of past seasons of TV shows, I watched several episodes of Have Gun-Will Travel on Saturday. This series aired from 1957-1963, 225 episodes. One surprising finding is that an Asian hotel worker where Paladin lived was called Hey Boy. Yes, that was his name in the credits. And there was a Hey Girl during season 4. Anyway, it was pretty blatant on its moral lessons and the fight scenes were horribly staged.

You were probably wondering whether Clarity of Vision would return in the new decade. Yes, it will. That should either reassure you that all is right with the world, or that some things never change.

Remind me to tell you about the different games we played over the holiday. And why the family called me Luigi (and I do not think it was a term of endearment).


Keith said...

Well, I've been recording episodes of The Rifleman which aired from 1958-1963. I have had Caleb & Lauri and Kim watch a few episodes... somehow they just don't have the impact on them that I expected. Although, they do obviously confirm Granddad's synopsis of the series from many years ago: "Lucas McCain is going to keep the peace in North Fork ...even if he has to kill everybody in town to do it!"
Well, mostly I watch it out of rifle-envy.

CrazyUncle said...

One year, I got a Rifleman gun for Christmas. It had the big ring on it so it would twirl as you cocked it. Oh yeah. I was THE MAN for a while. Hey, what do you call the Rifleman with a cold? Mucus McCain.