Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Medical Bonanza

To me, it seems that these savings accounts that let you reserve tax-free dollars for medical reasons are a bonanza for doctors and hospitals. After all, if you do not spend it, you lose it, so why not go have medical procedures done just to use up your money. And we never seem to realize that we still have so much in it until the end of the year. That is what led to today's Clarity of Vision.
I don't use it, so I guess I will not go have a bunch of medical exams during the next 2 days. Too bad, huh? I think I am at my best when it comes to useless stuff.

Only 6 episodes remain in my quest to be ready for LOST Season 6. Things on the island are going crazy. One thing is certain. Their hair styles do not make me nostalgic for 1977.

It appears someone entered the home Alison is house-sitting while she was gone. Either that or the house is related to the hotel in The Shining. When she got there last night, one room had all the stuffed animals lined up facing the door as if daring her to enter the room. Spooky, huh?

Yes, I do have some unposted photos. You can see most of them through Kathie's Facebook account, but I want to post some here. However, you may not have heard that I am watching a LOT of LOST, so I seem to do nothing else each night.

The year and decade are almost over. I am toying with cartoon ideas for that, but no punchlines have come to mind yet. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Craig Weeks said...

Wow. We *never* have anything left in the FSA by Dec 31. And not because we are *trying* to deplete it.