Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Keeping with the Patriotic Theme

Sure, I know the national holiday is over, but is that any reason to stop being patriotic? I say no and here is my proof. I imagined some comments from those great beacons of freedom enshrined on Mt. Rushmore. It seems maybe they became a bit more lighthearted in the last 100 years or so. Well, that is the way I hear them.
So, I was looking to make a book from our Ouray trip using iPhoto, but they have so few page layout options. And I cannot use whatever it is that Lyndsay uses because I am a Mac dude. I have used Shutterfly in the past. I also used Kodak Gallery. Blurb is a bit expensive. Myphotopipe is for prints only (some day, my prints will come. Hey, could I create a CoV using that as the punchline?). I'll let you know.

More patrioticosity tomorrow. I am working on one for Thursday, also, although it has not gelled yet.


Craig Weeks said...

Um. Are you implying that if Abe had lived long enough he would have experienced mustache envy with Teddy?

The Grandparents said...

Does anyone else think these "Clarity of Vision" cartoons are misnamed?

CrazyUncle said...

Hey, it's my vision, and I am making that clear, even if my glasses don't allow me to see things the same way as you.

Zachary said...

Have you checked out artscow.com? I have ordered a number of things from them. They are located in Hong Kong, but have very reasonable prices and the things I have ordered have been good quality.