Thursday, July 16, 2009

And Now, The End is Near. So Dad Faces the Final Chemo

Great news yesterday that Dad only has one more chemo treatment. So, praise the Lord for that blessing. Speaking of blessing, today's cartoon is Bible-related. I said Bible-related, not biblical.
When I got home last night, KLBK (Kyle, Lyndsay, Bella, Kendall) were at the house. For a while, Kendall was glued to me. That's a great ego booster, whether you've had a great day or a horrible one. Tonight, we are heading over to their house. Kathie and Ali will go with Bella to her swimming lessons, and then Lyndsay is cooking gourmet hot dogs.

Caleb, your hair still needs some work before it is evangelistic. However, you probably have taken enough Bible courses to be ready. See, as an evangelist, since you go to a new city or location every week, you only need about 10 sermons...ever. Most people don't realize that Billy Graham only had 12.75 sermons that he rotated. Why 3/4 of a sermon? That way, when he wrapped back over to the first one, it starts in the middle of the last, so no one recognizes it, even if they saw him 15 sermons in a row. Also, be sure you get one of the Bibles that has very floppy covers so it will wrap around your hand. I should probably have saved that last section for a CoV. If you see it in the future, you will know that Caleb got me started.


Craig Weeks said...

If only they had named her Joanie or Julia or Justine or Jill or ... Then it would be KLBJ ... as in two ... count 'em ... *two* ... Austin radio stations. If you listen to both of 'em at the same time you might think El Rushbo has infiltrated Metallica.

Did you see Paul on Letterman? (<-- click that)

Craig Weeks said...

Click -> Get back, JoJo!

SuzieQ said...

Wow. Lucky someone don't bust yo grill for that, dawg!

Keith said...

Oh the lengths to which you will go to elicit comments from your preacher bro!
Luke 29?!?