Wednesday, July 29, 2009

An Old Fashioned Shoot-'em-up

Today, I take aim at a recent law passed by the Arizona Legislature and Governor. No, not necessarily because I disagree with their ruling (although I do), but because a funny idea popped into my head when I read about it. Well, here. You can see where my mind took this.

We are supposed to be down to 109F today. Yeah, baby. That's what I'm talking about.

Yesterday, they cleaned out an office area to place a new hire there. As a result, they dumped a bunch of swag in the break room. You know, T-shirts, branded bags and books, etc. So, I brought a little home in case Kathie or Ali need bags or something for school stuff. Do y'all ever get company-branded items? I've already got a pile of Motorola and ON shirts and pens and stuff.


Lindsay Ward said...

Of course...I have a EY cutting board, mouse pad, numerous T-shirts, magic 8 ball, computer bags, picture frame...that's all I can think of now. I mean who doesn't want a company branded cutting board!

Lindsay Ward said...

opps, I forgot my actual EY ice chest.

Craig Weeks said...

Shirts, hats, multiple employers.

Keith said...

Interestingly enough, there has actually been a suggestion from someone in my congregation that we have a Pahrump Community Church Gun Club. (I can already see the rate of conversions increasing exponentially!)