Thursday, July 30, 2009

Off We Go, Into the Wild Blue Yonder

I do not want to hear of any of my readers trying to go off into the tame blue yonder. Today's CoV starts a short series of Rambo-related comic strips. The guy in the next cubicle made the mistake of mentioning that he had a Rambo Weekend coming up, and that led to this.

We had a little GNAW meeting last night at the grandparent's house. You know, Game Night At the Walkers. Yup, we played Bang! and Ticket to Ride (which is train-related, not Beatles-related). Alison won one and Leigh and Alison won one. Anyway, we went by because Preacher Bro and family are in town. I even made a DVD cover for Pastor Keith, Desert Disciple. I includes that now-famous picture of Keith holding a gun on someone outside the shot. I don't think it was race-related, but only a president can make that call. No, of course I am not going to create the actual DVD. That is a task for someone who likes him. I did not hug everyone goodbye, so they can be sure I will swing by again tonight or tomorrow night. We haven't played the Monopoly card game yet.

Ahh! According to my CoV log, I am down to six cartoons left. I hope the strip does not come to an end on my 33rd anniversary next Thursday. That should be a day of new beginnings. Maybe my brain will kick in before that. Ideas, folks, ideas.


The Grandparents said...

A humorous one. That's my recommendation.

Craig Weeks said...

Well, at least TG stopped short of including any phrase related to or resembling "change of direction". Bless them (him? her?).