Monday, July 06, 2009

What? No Fireworks?

Well. Most of us are back at work after an Independence Day break. I got Friday off. I don't know about the rest of you. At church yesterday, the first part was the pastor, music, and your ministers reading excerpts from correspondence and documents written by various founding fathers. Kyle noted it might be different if someone tried to Twitter it. Here is where I took that.
Dad is doing well. Thanks for asking. No cookout this year. No swimming because he cannot get in the pool. A nice, quiet visit. Even more quiet because the granddaughters did not come over, Kathie was sick, Ali was missing, Carey and Leigh are in NY. There was a hiccuping great-niece, if great-niece is the right nomenclature. I think Jay just calls her "it."

Did y'all see Susan's comment the other day? I have seen that card game she mentions at Target for only $12 or so and toyed with getting. Sounds fun. Dad, it sounds like the new rules we made up for Slam.

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