Monday, July 13, 2009

Apologies to Bill Cosby

Today's waste of space has overtones of a Bill Cosby routine from the 60s or 70s. Do not think you can judge me just from this cartoon, however. No, I am afraid I have even more fuel to add to this fire before we put it out. Stay tuned.
Kathie and the crew made it back from the cool climes of San Diego just in time to enjoy our 110+ temps. In fact, for lunch yesterday, we had chicken. Yeah, Dad went and bought it raw and by the time he drove home, it was ready to eat. OK, maybe not, but it is a bit warm.

We fixed up Alison's room over the last few days with Ikea's help. No photos yet. No photos from the first part of the vacation yet. No new photos of the granddaughters.

We played Bang! the Bullet yesterday. Sheriff Dad won. Paul and Jay cannot sit beside each other in the future, though.


Unknown said...

I have a few new names for COV -
Ali inspired - Yeah that's just stupid
Kathie inspired - Don't chew with your mouth full
Randy inspired - 95% PM jokes, 5% for everyone else
Carey inspired - My REAL big boss
Kyle inspired - Is this about Lost?
Lyndsay inspired - Kyle come read this
Bella inspired - Is this about Noggin?
Kendall inspired - pops, pops, pops, POPS!
Leigh inspired - Is this about Kyle's knowledge of Lost?
Jay inspired - Locke's dead? Dangit!

Schmoo said...

Does Bang! the bullet involve hitting explosive cartridges with a hammer and the winner remains unharmed?