Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Factually Correct

Whether you find today's CoV humorous or pedantic, I researched it on the web to find a second name to counterbalance Betsy Ross. I found that there is some discussion as to whether Betsy or Frances actually created the first flag. So, it could even be possible that this is how they got inspired.
We are on an electric plan that charges more per kilowatt hour during peak times of the day and less on off-peak. So, it costs us more to cool the house between 1pm and 8pm. As a result, we have been getting out of the house until close to 8pm recently. I end up not spending as much time on the computer and so, have not finished publishing vacation photos. I mentioned yesterday that I am trying to put together a photo book. I checked out the site Zachary mentioned, but no decisions yet. All of this is to say I will put more on A Legend in my Own Mind soon.

I am thinking I could borrow Kyle's video camera and film myself crossing a finish line so I can be cool like Lindsay and Justin. If I go downtown, there will be a bunch of people and it will look like they are cheering for me. Congrats to them for actually running.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My camera is to be used for Lost or Lost related activities only. So if you want to film yourself running across an Ajira Airways strip, I am on board. BTW - hoping to film the latest Lost vid before we leave for SD, but it will take Kendall's cooperation so it's touch and go at this point.