Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Green Sacrifice

Today, let's explore the sacrifices we must make in order to go green and the possible impact on our lifestyles and the lifestyles of those with whom we interact.Oh sure, it sounded grand in words, but was less than serious in CoV. I will leave the seriousity to Craig and others while I bring things to mind in a lighter vein.

Right now, there are 11 comics in my hopper. Hmm. I'd better become creative in the next few days or else you will move from the fine dining experience of CoV each day to the gruel of our normal blogging world. You do not want that, I am sure.

Kathie and Alison have been going down to Casa Grande every day to get Ali's room ready. Then Kathie goes to work next week, with one week before the student's arrive. I think Ali officially starts the following week. OK, let's get going. Also, congrats to Shelby Rostas on getting an eighth grade history teaching position in Maricopa.


Lindsay Ward said...

Our new office is LED certified. As far as we can tell, it means that we work in dark since the lights are sensored and the toliet can flush by pressing up or down on the handle.

NEWBIE said...

Stinkin Hippies!!