Friday, July 24, 2009

A Little Cube Refurbishment Is Always Nice

I have a new whiteboard in my cubicle. It is a clear plastic sheet 2'x3'. Behind it is some white foam to hold it steady and provide the white background. Somehow, writing on it does not give the same tactile feel as the usual whiteboards. It is an IQ from Quartet if you want to research it on the web. Enough with the white; let's go green.
I played a bit with photos last night, but not much Alison and I got started on this year's Torchwood series on BBCAmerica. This is their third season, but it is on for five consecutive nights and that is all for the year. Kind of odd. It is about a team in Cardiff, Wales, that hunts aliens (out of this world type). Warning: NSFP material - Not Safe For Preachers - The lead character is bisexual.

There have been several stories in the newspaper recently about where people keep their thermostats at night. The emphasis is around cost savings, but it highlights the differences between those that keep their house cooler and those who prefer warmer. I am sure Lyndsay's mother, Phyllis, prefers warmer. We like cooler. My folks seem to be in the middle. In the articles, many of them stay around 80F, even at night. Anyway, we let it get up to 81F during the day, but then kick it down to 71F at night. Not very green, huh? What about y'all?


Unknown said...

I think the punch-line was buried here. The recycled toilet paper is the joke. You should go with felt so scratchy first, then have the blue man say - no they just have a system no that recycles toilet paper. Gross, but funny.

Lindsay Ward said...

That's a pricey white board. The dividers between our new cubes are whiteboards. But they are a little bit translucent.

Brenda said...

We keep it at 70 all day long. May be a bit costly but I prefer to be happy and cool

Z said...

I liked that CoV, tv show sounds a little weird. In the effort to save a little money, I have bumped our therm up to 71 all day. Brenda may not have noticed yet.

Anonymous said...

It must really run in the Walker family with your thermostats. For me definitely 78 - 79 is good. I'm glad that I don't have you all's electric bill. Wow that sounded like I am from Texas, lol.