Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Vision of Green

Since I posted before Caleb, I should get credit with starting off this "green" week. Hey, be sure to check his blog and sign up so he can be written into a new Ted Dekker novel. Still, I had this green series planned over a month ago, so really, he is just copying me. Mom! He's copying me!

No, I will not think you are original if you comment that the strip today "sucks." Did y'all see Kyle's comment sometime last week with all the ideas for renaming CoV? I enjoyed that comment. A couple were family jokes, such as Kathie's famous statement.

It was a dark and stormy night. Well, it was last night and is still stormy right now. I left home early to beat the major ugliness I expect on the road by 7am. Well, I think I left home early. I plugged in my clock and it was 12am. Ha ha.

I did remember that Preacher Bro was coming yesterday morning when I blogged. However, I forgot last night so neither went by nor called. Sorry, bro. I'll catch you on the flip side next Wed or Thurs. I think we should be into the Rambo series by then.

I tried to work on some photos last night, but I wasn't really into it. I did not go to dance class (and why would I since I am not taking lessons). No, I do not know where these random thoughts come from, and I do not usually share them, but they are there. Oh yes, they are there.

1 comment:

NEWBIE said...

This is funny because our alarm clock broke last night and started going off at 12:08. I woke up and thought it was 6 until I got to the kitchen.