Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday Facts

I am not looking for a job right now. True, I am involved in outsourcing one of our groups at work, but there are no indications that my area is targeted. However, I do still read articles about being prepared for change and interviewing techniques. Here is a good one about how to answer five common questions.

Look at the title of this article on Yahoo! this morning.

Actually, the second one looks interesting, but I was talking about the first one. "This Week in the Civil War"? Really? It's over, right? If we were to look at Yahoo! in May of 2015, wouldn't that article have EXACTLY THE SAME INFO IN IT?

When you go to movies, do you imbibe on snacks (purchased there, of course)? I don't. Even in my pre-vegan days, I wouldn't buy their snacks. Many (most?) of you probably do. How big do you think their profit margins are on all that stuff? This article gives you the skinny on those fat-making foods and drinks.

I know you know this, since I mention it everyday, but I have been pulled into project meetings already this morning. I just got back after 30 min away. So, let me share today's comic and get out of here.

I am sure you heard the news about a high school in Utah that used Photoshop to alter yearbook photos they deemed too risque. Keep that superintendent away from my Clarity of Vision comics, then...just in case.

OK, people. Let's get everything outside finished in the morning, since it should reach 106F in the afternoon here. Even if it is cooler where you are, it will still be cooler in the morning. Get up and get going.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

And Then, There Were Three

We had all three GRANDS last night. At least, that's what I heard. I didn't see them awake because...I was at the hospital with Salesman Son and his beloved (did you read that word with two syllables or three? I read it with three)wife. Anyway, he could not stay awake yesterday, and had severe abdominal pain, and vomiting. Sounds pretty bad, right? CAT scans did not show any of the possible worst-case scenarios, so PTL for that. They doped him up, gave him some prescriptions, and asked him to go to a gastroenterologist in two weeks. We will see what today holds.

If you could teleport, would you? Yahoo! suggests it is possible at the molecular level. OK, what if it cost a whole lot? Still yes? What if it involved a lot of pain (after all, your body is being torn apart)? Not sure, now?

If you could have a drink involving 60 shots of espresso, would you? Salesman Son might, but not for me, thank you very much.

Did you hear that a former US Poet Laureate died? Maya Angelou passed away at 86. My CoV does not comment about her being 86'd, nor about the fact that I have never actually read any of her material. Just that she has died.

Hmm, outta links and outta time. Sorry to tease you with a couple of tidbits, only to disappear without a grand finale. As you know already, though, with my current project, it always something.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Time For Bah-buh-bet Ball?

We are watching our grandson, JV, for a couple of days. So, last night, when I got home, he ran over to me and clung to me the rest of the evening. The primary activity was playing with his basketball set. Well, he pronounces it 'bah-buh-bet ball". He would toss one to me then throw his through the little hoop and look expectantly at me, waiting for me to take my shot. He's never discouraged, whether the ball initially goes through the net or not. We also read the Cars book we keep at the house. Well, read is perhaps not the best word. He flips through pages and points at each character and names them. I will not attempt to phonetically spell them, except for "Lug-lug", which is Lightning McQueen. No way I can figure out Mater.

Speaking of pronunciation.

Did you notice today's post was a little late in showing up? As tempted as I am to blame technology, the reality is that I have already been bogged down in that crazy project I am working. We are down to 13 workdays from launch, so everyone is getting nervous and excited and just plain crazy. Yes, that includes me. No, for me, it doesn't look any different than normal. I am always crazy.

JV is pretty good at shooting the ball through his hoop. However, 50 Cent is REALLY BAD at throwing a baseball. Did you see this yet?

Would you feel safe in a self-driving car that has no brakes or steering wheel? I am not ready for that.

I am SOOOO SORRY. I have completely run out of time today since I have already had two meetings while trying to finish this. Maybe tomorrow, we can start a few minutes early? Until then...

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Happy Yesterday

Yesterday was Memorial Day, so most of us were off work. Thinking of it, I am reminded of trips out to the cemetery with my in-laws to honor family members. We do now have any family graves near us nowadays. We do have many family members who served in the military, and to you, I say "Thank you."

Just because I honor you and there is a holiday set aside for it does not exempt the day from the barbs of Clarity of Vision. I wanted to step lightly, though, because it is not the day nor its meaning that I want to skewer.

We have family passing through on their way from TX to OR, so we spent time with them yesterday. You can read about (and donate, I think) to them here.

Do you remember the Jetsons cartoon from years ago? Their home was an automation wonderland. How would you like your home to be that advanced? Well, according to this article, Apple thinks some of that is what we will be wanting. Lights come on automatically when we get home, maybe the house will start cooling down. Hmm, where's Rosie the Robot?

Do you ever try to hold your breath as you pass through a tunnel? I know my kids and I always did. However, I would not do so if I were getting close to passing out, and especially not if I were driving.

Hey, Salesman Son, you fancy yourself a Disney expert. Did you know all of these things?

Well, the day intrudes upon our fun. Still, don't let it get you down. Go do something fun while I cover for you here at the office.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Long Weekend Ahead. Whoo Hoo!

Star Wars got back on my mind after seeing that they are working on the seventh movie. Then again, I've been a Star Trek fan since the 60s.

What is with the recent spate of shows involving naked people (in my mind, I pronounced it as nekkid)? now, there is a new one about buying houses naked. Luckily, Disney bought the Star Wars franchise or we might have Star Wars: Naked, They Are. Hmm. Where could CoV go with that idea?

Wow, Yahoo! Tech makes the new Surface tablet sound like it is a worthwhile tool. However, I have a laptop that works for what I need, so I am fine.

I thought I was going to say more, but as frequently occurs in the mornings, I got caught up in a meeting with a couple of the outgoing team members. That helps me with my project, but does nothing good for my blog. So, I am already out of time for this Friday before a holiday. Do not look for an update on Monday. Well, I guess you can look, but do not expect to find one. I will be back in the groove on Tuesday.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

If I Were To Ask You...

If I were to ask you if you are busier than you were 10-20 years ago, how would you respond? I would certainly say yes, but this article from The Atlantic suggests it is more a case of a blurred line between leisure and work time. I don't know. I certainly still feel busy. Maybe the argument only stands up if you compare it to 50+ years ago.

If I were to ask you if you saw the finale of season 28 of Survivor last night, how would you respond? Some of you might have recorded it but not had time to watch yet. If so, you should skip over today's Clarity of Vision. No, I don't tell you who won...well, not exactly.

BTW, the Newhart finale aired in 1990.

If I were to ask you if you'd like to learn a new text editor, how would you respond? Actually, it is not so much an editor as an enterer (is that a word?). What? Yeah, it let's you enter text, but you cannot go back and change it, not even for misspellings. What? Why would anyone want that? Read this and you can see what the author's intent was. Still, not for me.

I love this quote from Kurt Vonnegut. "Those who believe in telekinetics, raise my hand."

What if I asked you the Earth's precise diameter at the equator? How would you answer that? It is 7,926 miles. That was one of the questions in the National Geographic Bee. The winning question? I would have had no idea as to the answer. Read more about the Bee here.

What if I asked you if you had heard any new groups or songs recently? I haven't, although I also haven't really tried. Anyway, Yahoo! Tech has 8 places you might want to investigate.

What if I asked you if you had time to sit here and keep reading, or if you needed to get to work? Actually, it doesn't matter because I need to get to work. Thanks for letting me ask you stuff today.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Movies and TV and Songs. Oh My!

Are you going to see the new Godzilla movie? I actually haven't thought about it one way or the other. If we go to the movies, there are plenty from which to choose. Either way, this video is interesting to see the process the sound editors went through to create his roar.

Do you have cable TV? Do you hate them (hate being a strong word, but used in the accompanying link)? Well, look at this to see if your company made the top (bottom?) of the list.

Forty years after Stairway To Heaven was released, a band just now decides to sue for infringement. Listen to the video in the article. You can certainly hear some of the same melody. Still. Forty years?

Did you hear about that town in MI that is going to fine people who swear? Well, I did, and it led to this....

Have you ever written about your displeasure with a company anyway online? What if you were then slapped with a $3,500 fine from that company? Well, this company is doing just that, and says they will defend it in court.

And in a related story, what if you did not want your smart TV to be able to mine and share your viewing habits? LG says that gives them the right to limit the smart TV features you can use.

Walmart wants me to share the 3-digit code from my credit/debit cards. Yeah, that makes me feel safe.

Listen. Did you hear it? Morning has broken, and they want me to help fix it. I need to get going, but I enjoyed our visit. See you soon.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Wrestling Disney and Leno for a Pepsi

This cannot be real. I am scared, and I am an adult. Would your kid want to see him watching you eat?

When our son was young, he was into (and kind of got us into) pro wrestling. They had some fun story lines with Stephanie and HHH and The Rock and The Undertaker. Anyway, I saw today that Vince McMahon lost $350M in one day. Don't you feel sorry for him?

Some of the family visited Disneyland yesterday. They do have annual passes, but how much longer can we afford those. Did you see that they raised the single day cost again? It is approaching $100 per day. Wow, that's some big bucks.

Staying on the money theme, I am sure Jay Leno is not hurting. Still, you have to wonder what he does with his time nowadays.

Sweet potato or Yam? Red pepper or Yellow or Green? Whole grain or whole wheat. Get the scoop and listen to the cool music here.

Do you like those new vending machines for Coke products that lets you choose from a bunch of flavors? Pepsi has just released its answer to that, allowing more than 1,000 choices. Maybe I should do a CoV of someone taking hours to make their selection?

I did just create tomorrow's comic based on a story out of Michigan about a town that imposed a $200 fine for cussing. So, between now and tomorrow morning, think about where you would take that. If your comic is better, maybe you should start writing your own?

And with that, Tuesday gets underway. Thanks for stopping by and chatting a few.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Say What? No, I Mean It. Say, "What"?

Do you pronounce any of your words in ways different from those around you? You may have Dialect Disorder. OK, maybe that is not a real thing, but here is an interesting story about where people say words differently than others. For me, I pronounce aunt more like ain't than awe-nt. And I did grow up referring to soft drinks as cokes, as in "You want a Coke?" "Sure." "OK, what kind?" "Dr. Pepper."

Yesterday at church (speaking of dialects), we had a goodbye party for our Worship Leader. It involved much good-natured ribbing (but no actual ribs). They included a video of them saying a word and him defining it. Words like fire (he said 'far' since he is from Texas), and tired (How do you think he pronounced that? Yep. "tarred").

Does anyone in your family suffer from migraines? I have had bad headaches in the past, but I think none were migraines. A woman at work told me that sometimes, afterward, she loses some of her muscle memory. She told me a story about, after one of hers, she could not even remember how to get into her car. She pounded on the door, but it would not open. Then she saw the remote in her hand and remembered that it had something to do with the car. She pressed it and heard the unlock sound, but still could not figure how to open the door. still pounding and pushing of the door all around, she came across the handle and had to try to figure out how to pull it. She finally got it all worked out.

That story led me to my own dark place where real-life turns into clarity...of vision, that is. Hey, if they don't want me to twist it, they shouldn't talk to me.

What's the difference between the 'use by' date and the 'best by' date on food packages? Is there one, or do some companies use 'use by' and others use 'best by'? Well, Consumerist gives us a little insight here. Do not look in my fridge, though. Pay no attention to that 1997 date. The items is sealed, so it's still good, right?

As I seem to mention in every post recently, I was just pulled away for a while to talk to someone on that team being outsourced. The new company is scheduling him for meetings on top of other meetings already in his calendar. It's madness, I say. Madness.

And it will be worse madness if I don't get my work done. So, I am outta here for Monday. Have a great one.

Friday, May 16, 2014

The Party's Over

I dood it. Dood what, you may be wondering. I hinted at it yesterday, but I decided the time is not right for me to get going on the MBA, so I have withdrawn...for now. I had planned to allow 10-12 hours per week to study on each class, but right now, this new outsourcing project has expanded to an additional 10 hours per week. And it does not allow me any time at work (I am usually working through lunch as I eat), so it is just not feasible for the next couple of months. I think my next chance is Aug-Sept, so I will think about it then.

These really do look like photographs, but they are drawings. One thing I have to question, though, is that the accompanying text says they were created by finger. It seems like there is too much detail for a finger to create. Admittedly, I am not an artist, so maybe I am judging from an incorrect assumption.

There is a woman who sits in the cube just west of mine who has a pacemaker. She told me the other day about having to periodically get it reviewed to make sure it keeps her heart at the correct number of beats per minute, and when it is changed, she can feel herself with increased energy. So, I wondered what if she also had a defib machine embedded and they decided to duke it out.

Read the first sentence of this Yahoo! article and tell me you don't agree. Now, I do not have kids learning Common Core, but I do live with two teachers, so I know about it. And I have memories of trying to help my daughter with her "new math" back in the day. This new stuff, though, is so different that I struggle to get the answer using their methods. Arghh.

I just lost an hour talking with the project team, which means I do not have time to look for anything else to share today. And that means I am letting you leave early. There is no homework for you this weekend, so take some time to relax and come back Monday full of vim and vigor (that's a good thing, right?).

Thursday, May 15, 2014

And Then, There Were None

This is a pretty good season for Survivor. I certainly hope Tony doesn't win, though.

I know someone who is NOT winning right now. Me in the MBA program. I think I need to talk to an advisor today. I have two problems. One, there is always the chance that the company will outsource my team. There are no plans to...right now. Of course, there were no plans for the team currently being outsourced four months ago, either. Two, as the PM for the project mentioned about, I have gone from 45 hours per week to around 60, eating up the extra time I had planned to spend on my coursework. I think I want to at least delay this first class. Three (OK, I know I said two problems, but another one just occurred to me), the school requires that the first two courses overlap, meaning that in two weeks, I will have my project + classwork for course 1 + classwork for course 2. BTW, today's title is about me possibly withdrawing from this course.

Yes, of course I am praying about my decision. I just feel overburdened and find I am enjoying both the job and the degree program less.

Regardless of what I decide, I plan for Clarity of Vision to continue. Wait, did I just hear someone groan because of that announcement? Too bad. In fact, here's today's comic. It may seem this is related, but I saw that story yesterday, and designed this comic last week. So there.

Ever wonder where the most photographed places in the world are? No? I don't really care, since I am going to share this link that tells you that answer. My neighborhood did not make the cut (surprisingly).

Yesterday, I stopped adding links to the post because I just ran out of time. Today, I cannot find a single one. OK, yes, I found two, but no others. What a drag. I bring everyone down with my pondering about holding off on schooling, and have nothing to get you back up (except my always hilarious CoV).

When that happens, it is time to cut my losses and let us return to our regularly scheduled lives, already in progress. Have a Terrific Thursday and meet back here in the morning.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

You Say Potato

Will you be honest with me? how did you do in figuring out the punchline of yesterday's Clarity of Vision comic? Between the title and the gravestone, I hope you figured out it was Annie. Even with me saying that, you still don't get it? I don't know what else I can say.

But yesterday's comic requires extreme familiarity with American culture and Broadway musicals and even our pronunciation to be humorous (well, it was funny to me). That reminds me of the Culture in Business course I am taking right now. Almost everything I say or hear around the office is at least impacted by our culture. I even made a cultural reference in today's post title. Do you know what phrase follows that one? If so, you were probably raised in the USA. If you don't, you are either new to this culture, or maybe young (since the song is from a 1937 movie). That led me to create this comic for today.

I saw this headline online this morning. How would you read this?

Did you think that one of the Baldwin brothers was riding in the opposite direction from what is expected? If you didn't and instead thought what I imagined, you are weird. I thought of someone saying about him, "Look, he is using his heels to push the pedals instead of his toes. That is the wrong way to bike."

Let's repeat that test. Here are a pair of headlines also found today. Read them both, try to think what I might find funny, and then read my commentary.

Well, let's look at each. In the first, I thought of two feds sitting in a car in a stakeout, laughing at chubby children walking to school. "Ha ha. Look at that kid. He can't bend over to tie his shoes." Shocking, right. How dare those dudes laugh at that. And the second headline? To me, it meant only people who were around in the 1960's had to worry about this. "Yeah, I saw that, but I wasn't even born yet. So, I wasn't around to sleep back then."

I have a question for you. Do you support raising the minimum wage? I am sure you said yes, since to disagree would make you sound uncaring. OK, would you be willing to pay more for food and things to make that happen? 25% more? 50% more? Suddenly, it sounds a little less enticing, doesn't it? This Yahoo! article covers that and give you some numbers behind the wage increase.

No comment about this article that the title doesn't say directly to all you burger eating non-vegan types. It is not all broccoli and quinoa.

I've had fun taking you behind the curtain of this website and my odd thinking, but reality just came back and said fun time is over. Yup, some of the project team are around and I gots to go. Have a great day and check in in 24 hours or so.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

When I Am On Vacation, I am ON VACATION

A member of the team that is being outsourced is currently on a cruise to Alaska. I would like to do that sometime. The folks have done that, but we have not. However, that is not my point. This dude on the cruise has been dialing in and working during his trip. that is just wrong. It is very noble of him, but I wouldn't do that, even if I were staying with the company.

I am writing this on Monday night while watching Bones. That has been renewed for next year. Then again, I liked Tomorrow People and it didn't make it to a second season.

I may be a daddy, and I have a few bucks, but I have never been in a war.

I saw this headline in Yahoo! this morning. Wow, those people must be realllllly tired after such a long wait.

This story about how little cash Americans carry brings a book from the 70s to mind. First, do you carry much cash? I know that I don't. The primary reason is just so that I end up with a spending record when I use a debit card. However, using a card all the time makes me think of the books that Hal Lindsey wrote about the end times. It seems like using our plastic credit and debit cards will be a great way for the Antichrist to limit sales to believers. I am not implying we are in the end times, although we may be. Simply saying that would be a good way of marking us with the number of the beast.

This highlights one of the reasons I don't mind being a vegan. Does that even look inviting to you? Since the story comes out of Malaysia, I will say that I did used to really enjoy drinking milo, the chocolate malt drink mentioned near the end of the story.

How does Duncan Hines chocolate cake, Vlasic pickles and Jimmy Dean sausage sound for breakfast? Well, the owner of Jimmy Dean sausages is buying the Vlasic pickle and Duncan Hines company, so pregnant women around the world may be rejoicing.

You know what time it is? Time to get busy. No one stopped by yet this morning, but I do have several emails to which I need to reply. Have a good today and don't worry yet about tomorrow. Don't agree? Go read Matt 6:34.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Happy Mother's Day Yesterday

Happy Mother's Day. Mine is in TX right now, but I called her. No, I didn't talk to her because they did not answer the phone. Maybe they did that on purpose? MBH's mother is in Heaven, so every day is a celebration for her.

I took pictures at an annual Mother's Day luncheon that our daughter-in-love holds, but...they were all on her camera. So, maybe I will lift some once she posts it in Facebook, or maybe I will just say "Go look at her photos there."

Speaking of photos, it is a good things none of SS's house has plain white walls, Why? It seems Amazon may have patented that type of photo.

I know for sure that both granddaughters enjoy reading, and are doing quite well with it. Why do I even mention that? There is a report out of San Francisco that "U.S. children read, but not well or often".

Do you still watch TV? I know many people are moving away from it (at least from cable), but I still have shows that I enjoy. Here is a list of how the shows fared this year. Are any of your favorites disappearing? Some of mine certainly are.

At last, I found a place I should maybe place my retirement savings. I don't think that would "impale" my savings, or "suck all the blood" from any return on investment. Guess what it is? Now, how can I get it moved to the US?

Uh, no thank you. This does not look like something I would enjoy, being the acrophobe that I am. Would you do it?

My first grades are back. I am currently tracking with a 94.2%. I have got to do better than that. I apparently did not make my conclusions compelling enough on my paper, and I missed a little on a quiz, but I have challenged that and am waiting on a response.

For now, though, I just finished a meeting with part of the team being outsourced on my big project, so I need to get going on that. I hope your weekend was a good one and you are ready to start this week with a smile on your face and some delicious quinoa in your lunch bag. Well, at least try to do the smiling part, OK?

Friday, May 09, 2014

The Paper is Started, But Not Finished

I started work on the paper for my Communications class, but I have not chosen the three citations I have to include. We went out for the last vegan cooking class before the summer, and I did not work any more on it when we returned. We had to watch the most recent GoT. Yes, we HAD to.

Actually, the PM community does indeed use the term 'watermelon project'. What is that? Read today's CoV for the answer.

Have you heard or read about a solar wind energy tower? It sounds like a plausible concept. You can see the engineering design in this article. The article says it has a benefit over solar power because it can even work at night.

Yahoo Tech has a story about an app for iPad that lets you create instructional videos, but could probably be used for other types of videos. So, I decided to share the link.

Mel Brooks doesn't think he could make Blazing Saddles in today's politically correct environment. I think he is absolutely right. What do you think?

Another correct assumption (in my mind) is that Americans stick to their favorite 17 channels, even if they have 300+ available. I probably fall well within that number, even if I include Disney for the GRANDS.

OK, I am going to grab the next 45 minutes for work on my paper. The topic is "Write a paper of approximately 500 words in which you describe at least three reasons why it is important to understand and develop intercultural skills in a business environment." Anyway, please have a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day to all you moms who may have stopped by.

Thursday, May 08, 2014

Links From a Lunk

I recently read that around 10,000 baby boomers are retiring every day for something like 16 years. Can you believe it? Well, you'd better because it is true. Anyway, that led to today's Clarity of Vision.

I found an interesting site for printing your own grid paper this morning. Go to and make some. What? You don't really need any? Me neither, but now we both know where to go to get some.

Look at this interesting take on those interesting sites or wall hangings where they have a large letter of the alphabet and something interesting about a word that begins with the letter. Look at the letter T. Interesting, right?

Hey, I am already struggling in my first class for the MBA. It is Global Communication and is currently focusing on why we need to understand how culture impacts business. No, it is not a difficult concept, and the first paper is to write 500 words on "at least three reasons why it is important to understand and develop intercultural skills in a business environment". Also not too difficult. The problem is a) crazy busy at work with this outsourcing project and I even come home and work another two hours each day, and b) if I get outsourced, I would have to pay back the company for the classes I took within the last year. I am not thinking that my own outsourcing is likely, but you never know. Well, I am less than one week in, so I suppose I will keep on keeping on for now.

If your employer offered you a raise if you would get the company logo tattooed on your body, would you do it? If you worked here, you would get that opportunity. Me, I would not do so, but then, I have no tattoos right now of any kind.

Isn't it just like Texas to try and outdo all other places? Still, doing so by having over 300 earthquakes so far in 2014 seems a little extreme.

Hmm, die early or live a long time looking like a prune and facing skin cancer risks. Those are a couple of less-than-desirable results about sunlight, right?

What is a Space Fence, you may ask? Go ahead. I said you could ask. You could also read this to learn that, at 17,000 mph, even something just a half-inch around would pack a punch like a bowling ball traveling at 300 mph.

Just under 12 hours before MBH and I go to our final vegan cooking class before the summer break. I do not know what tonight's topic is. So exciting, right?

As you just saw, today was a good day for finding cool links to share. You just never know. For now, though, I hear a couple of project deadlines coming my way at what feels like 17,000 mph, so I gotta move or get mowed down. Have a great Thursday.

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

It's a Good Post, Pilgrim

There are some limitations on the tool I use to create my daily Clarity of Vision. I am limited in features I can add to a character, and I cannot import photos or screenshots or non-tool-generated shapes. So, for today's CoV, I had to use Photoshop. I wanted to see about remakes of old movies updated to modern themes. Who better to start with than The Duke himself.

There are some cool dudes who are focused on recovering photos of the moon from the mid-1960s. They work in a building that used to be a McDonalds. You can see a couple of the shots and read the story here.

It seems it is fast or famine when I look for interesting interweb links to share with y'all. I found quite a few yesterday, but today, it is definitely famine. Where did all the fun stuff go? Oh, wait a minute. I did not check Yahoo! yet. Hold, please.

I found one that says wine isn't vegan, or even vegetarian. Did you know that? Do you care? It certainly won't affect me much.

All this time, I thought it was safe to store Cheetos in the pantry, where even my grandchildren could reach them. It is lucky that no Target Security people came by. There is no telling how they would have reacted. They keep theirs under lock and key.

I wonder what is going on? The two soon-to-be-gone team members who normally are here when I arrive are noticeably absent. Maybe they are just giving me a taste of what it will feel like in July when they are gone. Wow, it is quiet in here.

OK, I am blabbing and you are nodding off. Go get your coffee (do you look like yesterday's CoV?) and we will talk again soon.

Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Getting a Head Start

I have written a little of today's blog on Monday night. It seems things are just too crazy at work right now for me to have time to formulate coherent thoughts. Some of you may question if I EVER form coherent thoughts. You are right to wonder.

I had the first of three conference calls for my first class last night. Right now, it seems a bit overwhelming, especially with all that is going on at work. I hope I can get into a rhythm.

Haven't you heard people say, "Don't talk to me until after my first cup of coffee?"

Folks, we got trouble. Right here in the USofA. Trouble with a capital B followed by a V and an O. That's right. Coke is eliminating the Brominated Vegetable Oil from its drinks. Where am I going to get my daily minimum allowance of it, then?

And we got trouble because we didn't think of an idea for a new invention like this dude. I cannot believe no one had built a smartphone-capable A/C before. What have we all been doing?

Let's keep learning about our iPhones together.

I did not lead off my post today with it, but yes, I did start the day with more work on the infamous crazyville project. I had not even booted up when one of the team members came by worried that the company taking over his job was not learning it quick enough to be successful. First, let me say that is very noble of him to worry about the company that is letting him go. Second, there is a lot going on that he is not copied on, so they may be more prepared than he thinks (but probably not for his area of expertise). Anyway, it cost me 45 minutes, right off the top. And there were five emails needing information about things going on.

And with that, Tuesday is waiting by the coffee machine. I had better go see her. have a good one.

Monday, May 05, 2014

Happy Day After Star Wars Day

I have to start off with today's Clarity of Vision, which is really yesterday's CoV, which was really written late last week.

Hey, do you watch Shark Tank? Check out this update on the most successful product ever to pass through that show.

Oh, man. It is already so late and I have not even had a chance to do my morning research for blog topics. You may ask why I did not work on it last night. Of course, you may not even want to know, but I will tell you. We had the privilege of playing with GRANDS all weekend, and then I was out for a couple of Chorale concerts until late afternoon, so I did not get around to it. And then this morning, I have already been pulled into that short-term outsourcing project. So, I am about to publish the post, even with few updates.

My first MBA class started yesterday, and we have a conference call this evening, so here comes another level of busyness to my life. I hope it is fun and interesting.

Hey, guys, have a great Monday. Hopefully, we will both have time for visiting tomorrow.

Friday, May 02, 2014

TV and CoV and More

I forgot to ask yesterday...what are y'all thinking about this season of Survivor? I know SS likes that there are no former castaways this year, leading to more unpredictability and more blindsides. I am certainly enjoying it.

Really? Hot in Cleveland renewed by TV Land? It is cute, but going into a sixth season is surprising.

Do you watch The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon? I keep thinking I should, but I am out of time for new shows. Anyway, you can always find the best clips online. Here is a really good one with a Lip Sync Battle between Jimmy and Emma Stone. I think she blows him away.

Let's switch from TV topics to printed materials. Have you heard about a request to remove Hop On Pop by Dr. Seuss from a library? Why do you think someone might request that? It pretty silly to think that was written as a treatise encouraging kids to physically abuse their father.

Just as I have the past three days, I have already diverted into work activities before I published by blog post. Don't these people have any idea on the relative importance of my daily morning blog and CoV updates?

Let's take a look at today's Clarity of Vision. I created it yesterday before I remembered that I had wanted to write a May Day comic. So, here is one inspired by my recent upgrade from a flip phone to a smartphone.

Did you hear that the voice of Tony the Tiger passed away? Do you even know who that is? He used to advertise Kellogg's Frosted Flakes. He was greeeeeat!

I did not see anything else to share today. We have the GRANDS starting tonight, so I know we will be busy. I'd better get today finished so I can get home. Have a good weekend.

Thursday, May 01, 2014

It's Shocking! Proceed At Your Own Risk!

Let's go ahead and get the shocking news over with. Be warned, though. I think you would not believe this if it wasn't in print. Pro wrestling (WWE) is... wait for it... scripted! That's right. Offhand comments, outcomes of the fights. surprise offscreen attacks. All of it. Don't believe me (and I wouldn't blame you, btw)? You can read about it and see a couple of pages here.

Yesterday, did I mention we had a big project installation planned? It was for a project that has been going on for more than 18 months. Finally, we got the vendor on a call and started the install. Notice I said "started". We crashed and burned when testing showed a problem. Now, we have to wait and reengage AT&T to find the issue. Is it the application? The T1 phone lines? A hardware configuration problem? Hopefully, we will find out tomorrow morning.

Did I mention I have a new Clarity of Vision for you? It has to do with today being May Day.

Almost Human on Fox, RIP. It has been cancelled. Warehouse 13 on Syfy is already in it's final season. We should know the fate of the rest of my shows from 2014 within the next two weeks. And do you watch The Walking Dead? If you do, you will really like this Save the Date video from a couple based on the opening credits.

This woman is NOT a vegan, or vegetarian, and she is proud of it. Hey, everyone has to make their own eating and health choices.

Will you go see A Hard Days Night in the theaters? I suspect I will not, although most every movie is better when it is on the big screen.

I read this and realized my wife was sleeping with someone else JUST THIS MORNING!

I have been doing some work, and just remembered I had not closed and published today's blog post. here. Consider it closed and, since you are reading it, you know I published it. Have a tremendous Thursday.