Wednesday, January 08, 2014

My Kind of Program, Intelligence Is

The title makes it sound like something Yoda would say, but it actually came from me thinking of the song "My Kind of Town, Chicago Is." Either way, we are watching the pilot episode of Intelligence as I type this and it is starting right on. It is my kind of show. Now, as to which network it is from, I couldn't say. Once it hits the DVR, it could be from any time of day and any network. What did we do before this magical option?

Here is the very first art project I tried when I got Photoshop. It is a shot of calla lilies that I tried to turn into a watercolor. It is from our trip to the UK in 2004.

And another early project in Photoshop was to have a half-photo/half-ink drawing. This is Tolquhon Castle in Scotland.

And another watercolor of Stirling Bridge.

How many digits of Pi can you recite from memory? I only remember the first seven. 1.31545926.

BTW, no, I did not see The Life of Pi. I heard it was good, though.

[Wednesday wonderings] Well, we are moving in the same temperature direction as the rest of the country. Our temps are moving back down into the 60s. No, not 60 below zero, We'll leave that to ND. No, we will only reach 68F today. Still, you'll get your comeuppance in summer when the country is comfortable and we are cooking at 110F+.

In searching for any more stuff to share today, I came across this Yahoo News video talking about a burglary at FBI back in the early 70s. I thought it was interesting, and weirdly parallels the Snowden stuff going on right now. What do you think?

OK, my time for blog writing is over. You'll have to make do with the above, and I will share more tomorrow.

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